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Parenting Questions Answered

When I visited my mother over the holidays for five days, I caught a lot of grief about putting my 4- and 6-year-olds in bed pretty early (as usual) and limiting sugary treats (like always). How do you feel about…

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Expert Tips for Small-Scale Gardening

My daughter and her 2-year-old son garden on their deck. While they don’t exactly slay the grocery bill with their bounty, they do enjoy the time spent together. My grandson checks on the ripening strawberries and is curious about the…

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Know Your Breastfeeding Rights

It’s everywhere these days: Everyday moms and celebrity moms are talking more and more about breastfeeding in public. From Chrissy Teigen’s social media posts (and classic responses known as clapbacks to negative comments), to Kate Hudson’s Instagram pics of nursing…

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Focus on Foster Care

Pictured: Caucus co-chair Sen. Monty Mason speaks during the Foster Care Caucus’s press conference on Jan. 15. He is backed by Del. Jennifer Carroll Foy, co-chair Del. Emily Brewer, Sen. Barbara Favola, Sen. Bryce Reeves, Sen. Janet Howell, Del. Chris…

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Return to Sleep-Away Camp

When my older daughter was eight, my wife Kat and I prepared to take her to her first sleep-away camp. It was the summer after third grade and she was ready for an adventure. She’d been active in the local…

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Why IBH Matters for Families

You’re at a wellness check-up for your son, Tommy, and much of the visit has been spent catching up with the doctor about your trip to Yosemite, Tommy’s recent soccer tournament, and the fact that he’s getting pimples. Tommy mentions…

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Take That to the Bank!

In 1975, Sylvia Clute, a former attorney for Reynolds Metals, decided to open a solo law practice. But despite her reputation as a successful attorney, five banks turned her down for a business loan. If they did return her calls, they…

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Is My Child Gay?

I think my 11-year-old son is gay. I’m straight, my husband is straight, and we have no gay friends. I’m about to begin what might be the most important parenting I’ve ever done, and I need some guidance. Do you…

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