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Financing Higher Education

Picture the home of a Richmond-area family. In it, a couple decides they want to start saving for their child’s college costs. They search online, “What’s the best way to save for college?” The search engine returns 333,000,000 results. The…

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All Hail Halloween Dad

So here I am again, standing at the end of the walk with the flashlight in my hand. Up at the front door, past the jack o’ lanterns on the stoop, the monsters, superheroes, and fairy princesses crowd around the…

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Talking to Your Kids About Race

A few years ago, a video Snap was made public where white students from an area middle school held down African American students in sexually explicit positions while making racist remarks. Naturally, parents were appalled. Social media responses like “This…

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The SCOTUS Case that Never Was

It was September 1965. Three male college students went to register for classes in Richmond, only to be denied. The administration informed them that in order to register, they needed to cut their long hair and shave their beards. Not…

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Up Your Herb Game!

Reaching into your pantry and grabbing an old jar of dried herbs to top off that special dish you created can quickly muddle your mood. When you opt for fresh herbs, you boost your positive cooking energy and your nutrient…

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Mouth Breathing is a Problem

Since our first breath at birth, most of us have taken for granted that our breathing is normal and healthy. However, how we breathe can have significant consequences for our health, including dental disease, poor sleep, and, where our children…

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Partners in Life and in Business

by Tarah and Damon Harris Going into business with anyone is risky. But when that business partner is your spouse, there is a whole new level of risk. No matter the business, happiness in your home life must be a…

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