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Family Finances with Your Kids

According to an article I saw on NerdWallet, a website devoted to personal finance decisions,  people would rather talk about topics like death, religion, sex, or politics – instead of money. The problem is, most of us are so uncomfortable…

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Advocacy Efforts Rewarded

I used to read to my daughter a great children‘s book called A Walk in New York by Salvatore Rubbino. In it, we learned that the famous Library Lions, the marble sculptures that have stood guard at the New York…

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Chair Meets Door

But I am telling you it won’t fit!” “Yes, it will!” “No, it won’t. See how wide it is? Here, look at the tape measure.” “What does the tape measure have to do with anything?” And so it goes. Back…

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How to Help Your Anxious Teen

It’s a common refrain from parents of teenagers. “Haley spends most of the evening in her room. She is always on Instagram and texting with friends.” This process of separating from parents is part of normal development as teens move…

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Women’s Rights in Virginia

Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex. In 1923, Alice Paul (1885 -1977), suffragist, feminist, and one of the primary strategists for the…

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What Is a Health Savings Account?

More and more employers are offering health savings accounts (HSAs) as part of their employee benefits package. This savings account allows you to set aside money to pay for qualified medical expenses incurred during the year income tax-free. The Upside…

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5 Good-Morning Recipes

This Year, Resolve to Eat: • Better • Right • Healthy No matter how you say it, lots of us have a resolution that has something to do with eating. When you’re a parent struggling to shop for food, put…

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Sedation Dentistry for Children

You’ve got cavities! Just hearing the phrase induces anxiety in many adults. Children are no different. In fact, the different sounds and sights of the dental office can be quite overwhelming for young children. That is why many parents are…

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Fostering Digital Responsibility in Kids

When our parents raised us, their concerns were centered around three pillars: the birds and the bees, driving, and drugs and alcohol. These topics addressed potentially life-altering challenges young people encountered.  Today, as parents, we want to guide our children…

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