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Why Pet Insurance Makes Sense

There are approximately 180 million pets in the United States, and in many cases, they are treated as members of the family. However, unlike other family members, only about 1 percent of those pets have insurance for medical care. Although…

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“Whoa! Are They All Yours?”

Parenting is not a competition. No one gets a trophy for the most kids. Everyone has a number in mind for their family, and sometimes that number grows larger than even the mom and dad imagined. Twenty years ago, I…

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Adventures in Potty Training

Over the holidays, my mother was appalled that my almost 3-year-old son was not potty-trained yet. I told her it wasn’t a battle I wanted to have, and that I was waiting for the right time. Are parents these days waiting longer for this, or am…

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Happy 2018, RFM Readers!

I can hardly believe the holidays are over and a shiny new year has arrived, full of possibilities. There are words in our gloriously quirky English language that only come out for special occasions, like hunker and batten during stormy…

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The Smart Woman’s Guide to Divorce

No parent of young children wants to think her marriage could end in divorce. Yet, the statistics are there, and everybody knows that for a variety of reasons, many families are faced with separation and divorce. If you have any…

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The One About Raising Daughters

It seems every day now, the news brings word of another man accused of using his power to abuse and harass women. Women you know (or you yourself) have probably made a #MeToo post on social media sharing experiences of…

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The Truth About OCD

Chances are, you know someone living with obsessive-compulsive disorder, or OCD. Children, teens, and adults suffer from this serious, and sometimes debilitating, mental health problem. There is good evidence to suggest OCD runs in families to some extent, or at…

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Getting Organized at Home

If you have resolved to get organized in the new year, you are not alone. Along with eating better and exercising, getting organized is a perennial favorite on the resolution list. We know that better habits make us healthier and…

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Housing Families First

“People think about homeless people being on the street,” Taliah tells her fellow college students. “They don’t know that there are people living in shelters. It doesn’t mean you’re dirty, you’re dumb, or you’re a drug addict.” Taliah knows from…

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