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New Leadership Goals

Virginians have elected a new governor, Ralph Northam, who will take office January 13, 2018. What will his priorities be? One early action he could take to ensure children’s issues are a top priority during his administration is to form…

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It’s ChristmaKwanzUkkah!

Winter break or Christmas vacation – or whatever you call the beautiful block of school-free time during the holiday season – never falls at the perfect time for families. When my children were little, I took full advantage of every…

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Please, No More Santas

His eyes follow you around the room! It’s true. They do. I swear. See for yourself. Start from this end of the den, where he watches you from his preferred spot on top of the TV cabinet, his nose and…

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Center of Retail Attention

For much of Richmond’s history, all travel between Williamsburg and Charlottesville was dependent on one downtown street. Broad Street, named H Street until 1844, was a commercial hub for Richmonders and travelers alike all year long. Through the centuries, nearly everything…

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Thanksgiving Updates

  Cornbread Dressing Place ½ cup butter in a 13x9-inch pan; heat in oven at 425 degrees for 4 minutes. Stir together 3 cups self-rising white cornmeal mix and 1 cup all-purpose flour; whisk in 3 eggs and 3 cups…

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That Ringing Sound

At a recent social gathering, a friend of mine mentioned some ringing in her ear. She said it had been keeping her up at night and she wondered if she should see a doctor for it – or if talking…

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Searching for Toys that Teach

During a recent gift-shopping venture, I noticed an overwhelming number of STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, math) toys available. The STEAM toy industry, also known as EdTech, is booming. It feels like there’s a new toy on the market every…

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Thanksgiving’s Attitude of Gratitude

We have empty seats at our Thanksgiving spread. This year, someone else will slice open the boiled eggs and mix the yolks with paprika and relish before presenting them as deviled eggs, the way my grandmother did every Turkey Day…

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Visual Arts Center of Richmond

The Visual Arts Center of Richmond has been a fixture in the community for fifty-four years, but it’s changing all the time. In January, the center will roll out a brand new open-access program intended to get Richmonders into the…

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