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You Can Quit Smoking!

Take a deep breath – a really deep breath with an exhale that makes you say, “Aah!” Deep breaths and fresh air can do a body good. However, the reality is fresh air is not available for all kids. Nationwide,…

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That Whole Money Thing!

Is preschool too young to start talking to your children about money? It depends. Most 3-year-olds should be ready to start learning simple vocabulary and basic economic lessons, like If you want to buy something, you have to pay for…

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Beginner’s Guide to Pastels

With winter’s chill still lingering, your ears may be ringing with the echo of “I’m bored!” from the kids. Fill these pre-spring days by encouraging your kids to try a new medium – like pastels. Some parents avoid this medium,…

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Can Your Diet Help Prevent Cancer?

Vegetables and fruits provide fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other plant compounds that have been found to have cancer-protective effects. Not only are vegetables and fruits helpful for cancer prevention, they are also important components for the prevention of other…

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8 Parenting Tips – Busted!

I used to be a parenting expert. Then I had children. Back when I knew everything, I swore that my children would never touch anything containing Yellow No. 5 or high-fructose corn syrup. They would never slurp their fruit directly…

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It was a new beginning and a new start,” Diana said, after she picked out furniture and other household goods for her new home. Diana was trapped in a cycle of domestic violence at home. She tried for years to…

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Happy 2017, RFM Readers!

Can you even believe it?! After all that build-up, the 2016 holiday season is a wrap, and a shiny new year full of possibilities awaits us. I’m torn between recommending total hibernation for the next two months and an immediate…

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When the Therapist is a Dog

You’ve seen service dogs in the community. These dogs are trained to aid people suffering from various disabilities or diseases. They assist us in managing disabilities like autism, PTSD, visual and hearing impairments, and diseases such as epilepsy, cancer, diabetes,…

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6 Parenting Resolutions from a Pro

Working with families over the years in my role as a parenting counselor and coach, several themes have become crystal clear. While I realize that simply reading it doesn’t make it so, I also believe some of us might benefit…

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