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Science Fun With Water

The process of electrolysis uses electricity to separate elements like the ones in water – a molecule made up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. Sometimes referred to as an alternative fuel, today, a handful of car designs…

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Happy Pumpkin Spice Everything Season!

It is getting a little out of hand, isn’t it?! Starbucks really created a beast, but everyone seems to love pumpkin-y anything in the fall, and lucky for you, we have some tasty pumpkin-inspired recipes in What’s Cooking to celebrate…

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What to Make of Holiday Spending

There’s a lot to appreciate in fall, like the return of school days and cooler weather. Families love the traditions of fall, many of us revel in football season, and fall can also be called the season of giving. Fall…

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The Truth About Kids and Attention

A month into the school year, and some parents are worried. With parent-teacher conferences around the corner, these meetings – which are supposed to be helpful – might cause some undue stress. Will this be the time the teacher mentions…

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Is Everyone Mumbling?

As our parents get older, we often find ourselves encouraging them to live a healthy lifestyle. Part of that healthy lifestyle includes regular hearing checks. The simple fact is, hearing loss affects people of all ages, and studies show that…

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Complicated Education History

In  1970, in order to satisfy a federal mandate to desegregate Richmond Public Schools, Judge Robert Merhige, Jr. ordered the implementation of a busing program that would attempt to achieve racial balance in the school system. At the time of…

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Something Old, Something New!

We all know that styles change. In fashion, the cycle is about thirty to thirty-five years (yes, that means the eighties are back). While in furniture and home design, it’s more like fifty. For the last ten years, mid-century modern…

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About Closing Costs

When you think of closing costs, you might get a glimpse of the light at the end of the home-buying process tunnel. You’re just one step away from being a homeowner! It’s an exciting time, but closing costs can be…

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Where Are We on HIV/AIDS?

The first known cases of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) in the United States were reported in 1981, and in 1983 human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) was established as its cause. HIV rapidly spread over the next three decades, reaching epidemic proportions…

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