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Meet Artist Hamilton Glass

Richmond and Philadelphia are cities both rich in history and thriving today. They are capitals – Richmond is our commonwealth’s capital city, and Philadelphia served briefly as our nation’s – and both are built on rivers. Both have a plethora…

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Motivated Millennials!

What’s that you hear about millennials? They’re entitled, materialistic, and lazy? They’re not team players, and they want a trophy just for showing up? That myth is busted. This generation of high school students has shown that they are committed…

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Ugh! Family Life with Food Allergies

Tiffany Ferreira couldn’t understand why the eczema on her 4-month-old son’s face wouldn’t go away back in 2007. The Chesterfield County resident thought it might be acne, but it continued to worsen. She scoured the Internet and after much searching…

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Do Kids Need Camp?

I vividly remember picking up my then 10-year-old daughter, Bethany, after her initial week at camp. While I envisioned her jumping into my arms, she shot me a friendly smile and a wave before returning to her new friends. In…

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Remembering the Rosenwald Schools

The story of education is a long and complicated one across the nation. In Virginia, a well-documented piece of history is the commitment to racial segregation in the public schools. Last year, Richmond author Kristen Green’s best-selling book, Something Must…

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Social Needs for Special Kids

A disability can be something as invisible as dyslexia or as apparent as a spinal cord injury. Disabilities of all kinds can act as a barrier to your child’s physical and emotional development. But what about social skills? No matter…

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