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This is the Life!

It was all I could do to contain myself when I discovered that the luxury hotel chain Four Seasons was building a resort at Walt Disney World Resort. Most people who know me understand my unabashed obsession for everything Disney,…

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Raising Money-Wise Kids

Personal debt is deep-sixing college degrees at an alarming rate according to a study by Teenage Research Unlimited, as more students drop out of higher education not because of failing grades, but failing finances. The Virginia Board of Education is…

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When a Child is Missing

There was a certain panic in that voice that made me stop and look around. A middle-aged man was standing in front of the theatre; his head darted from person to person as the crowd made its way to the…

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Moms Come First

Motherhood connects women worldwide. Taking care of mothers means healthier families, less poverty, and stronger communities. Midwives for Haiti, a Richmond-based non-profit, has built a bridge from Virginia to Haiti to keep women alive to raise the children they bring…

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Meet the Parents

We meet them all the time. If we’re lucky, we’re friends with a few of them – the risk takers, the goal setters, successful and positive people who take a bite out of life and let the juices flow. They…

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Kid City!

Once upon a time, I planned to grow up and marry Maui, decades later I fell hard for the East Coast, and now I have a thing for Atlanta. Ready for your newest city crush? Do your pre-trip exploration with…

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Green Tech at Home

Still reeling from the power bill you got after this winter’s brutal temperatures? No doubt, a lot of Richmond area residents are re-thinking their home’s insulation, at the very least. I know I am. I’ve also learned that a lot…

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Causes and Crusaders

Denise Gentz and her family versus breast cancer. Mom wins!    Panic shook 43-year-old Denise Gentz last year when she heard the words “you have breast cancer” from her doctor. “I thought, ‘Oh, it can’t be me. I’m only forty-three…

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This is Moving!

Last year, on the first hundred-degree day of June, we loaded up our family of four, two dogs, two cats, and a few houseplants I was determined to save, and set out for a new life in RVA.  All of…

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