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Ace in the Hills!

Different people relax in different ways. My family often opts to loaf on the beach, reading books. Okay, maybe that’s just me. But when we arrived at ACE Adventure Resort in southern West Virginia, it was clear many others prefer…

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Causes and Crusaders

  Part Two in the RFM Series Cycling is a hobby as well as a passion for 42-year-old Mike Lang. The New Kent resident rides his bike in Richmond at least once a week, mostly in city parks but also…

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The caller was frantic, the fear in his voice escalating with each word he spoke. He had been foolish, he knew, to drink and drive while visiting friends in New York City last spring. And now he was being arrested for the accident he…

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Love Shack!

When you get mixed up in a love triangle, you have to expect drama. Ian Kelley’s triangle looks like this: Love of family. Love of soccer. Love of cooking. At thirty, he juggles all three with dexterity. In addition to…

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Richmond is Hungry!

With a blended family that includes five school-age children, Catherine Fales is busy making lunches every day. One kid wants his sandwich on a sub roll. Another eats only white bread. Two will eat whole wheat, but still another kid…

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Causes and Crusaders

  Rick Schoepke couldn’t figure out why he was having trouble seeing out of his left eye. Perplexed by the sudden onset, he decided to make a doctor’s appointment. After a battery of tests that included a spinal tap and…

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Tale of Two Preemies

One out of every eight infants in the United States is born prematurely each year. Preterm-related causes of death account for about thirty-five percent of all infant deaths, more than any other single cause. Babies born too soon have to fight…

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Just Keep Swimming!

I am a big fan of January. The month that’s denigrated as a little too resolution-oriented for some, and downright humdrum for others, is the month I welcome. I love the quiet beauty. The structure of school resuming. And that…

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Best Little Museums in Richmond

  It’s amazing how quickly Can’t wait to be home for the holidays! can turn into What’s there to do? Even when family and guests want to spend lots of together time catching up, homes shrink when the weather outside…

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