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Building Character in Our Kids

Five-year-old Jerhmontey struggled with anger management and had difficulty with authority figures. In kindergarten, he was suspended for his behavior. After spending time at an afterschool and summer program for at-risk children on Richmond’s Northside, everything changed for him. Here…

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Last-Chance Getaway

When I moved from New Jersey to Virginia ten years ago, Baltimore immediately became my family’s annual getaway. Once a year, my daughters and I would drive up to meet my mom for a girls’ weekend. While our first trip…

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!Destinos Felices!

I wanted to kiss the tarmac when we landed at San Juan Airport, even though it would have burned my lips. But that heat is exactly what we had come for. It was early March. For months, Richmond had been…

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It Gets Better

This June marked two years. But a loss so profound can feel like just yesterday sometimes for Kelly Jackson, who found her husband on a summer Tuesday morning, lying on the floor in the guest bedroom. “Something told me he…

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Clean House this Summer!

Fighting the entitlement mentality is an increasingly common battle for twenty-first century parents. Consequently, what used to be the typical outcome of parenting – independent kids – is rapidly becoming a novelty. If your kids are numb to the daily…

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Doing Disney Right!

I almost always enjoy writing, but there are times when I really appreciate being a journalist. Case in point: the dedication of Walt Disney World Resort’s newest roller coaster, the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train. Late last month, I was one…

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Next Stop Richmond!

Richmonder Michael Robinson's journey to the pinnacle of professional football began when he was five. From then on, he found himself on a team striving for excellence. The standout student and athlete thrived at Varina High School and Penn State…

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What Kind Of Dad Are You?

  Have a crack at our quiz (or if you’re feeling brave, you might ask the wife or kids to take it!) And see where you rate. Which is it – dad, dud, or somewhere in between? 1. The 3-year-old…

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The Caffeine Machine

Remember when Mountain Dew was considered the bad boy of the soft drink world? That harmless, albeit toxic-looking soda was first introduced in the forties as a mixer for cocktails and marketed with the slogan, “It'll tickle yore innards!” Mountain…

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Veg Out!

I’ve been a vegetarian in some shape or form for twenty-five years now. My food journey began when I traveled to France as an exchange student at sixteen and I lived with a family who couldn’t afford meat. Prior to…

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