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Throw Mama On The Train

I'm an older mom. Meaning, these days I don't hear my mom coming out of my mouth nearly as often as I hear my grandma - Do you need a light to read, dear? You see, truly novel experiences don't…

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Baby’s Lifeline

What if your baby were born with cerebral palsy or sickle cell anemia, what would it be worth to you to have stem cells that matched your child exactly? What if your child needed a bone marrow transplant and you…

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Art Flows Down

When Jerome Jones and his wife, Kemery, learned they were having a son, Jerome knew just what to do. Two months before his son was born, the father-to-be painted the nursery where young Jeromyah would spend his first precious years…

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What’s Fresh in Florida?

As we walk into New Fantasyland at Walt Disney World Resort, that same rush of excitement washes over me. It's the feeling I experienced years ago, stationed in front of the television to watch Walt Disney create magical moments every…

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Autism Report

When Erin Redmond's daughter Olivia was born, she was a beautiful baby. But as she developed, her mom was troubled by her lack of speech. While most babies are forming sentences by age three, Olivia was not even using words.…

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Philly for the Family

Presidents’ Day is this month. By now, we all know that young George didn't throw a dollar across the Potomac River - and that he didn't chop down a cherry tree, which means he couldn't have come clean about it…

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Having a Baby?

The news of a new baby is accompanied by a range of emotions, from excitement to anxiousness, with a lot of questions in between, shared by new parents, experienced parents, and grandparents alike. When I welcomed a new addition to…

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Scoring the Scholarship

On fields and courts and in pools across the country, millions of kids dream of scoring big scholarships to college – and moving on to fame and fortune after that. They see dollar signs and the big contracts in their…

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Kids and Comfort Objects

Aidyn was all set to start big kid school. He could identify his ABCs and counting to thirty was a piece of cake. Kindergarten registration and open house had gone off without a hitch. There was only one tiny problem…

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The Goods On Gluten

Surely you’ve seen gluten-free foods at the grocery store. The words are on shelf signs and food labels, not to mention on the menus at many of your favorite restaurants. Is all this talk about gluten in the same category…

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