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Raising Financially Literate Kids

Just recently, our family incurred some new expenses – the kind related to having a teenager about to get her driver’s license.As we contemplated the increased costs of insurance, gas, and taxes, we decided our teenager should be making a…

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Hawaiian Holiday

What is it that makes Hawaii so special? In poll after poll, it ranks as the top vacation destination for families. But is it really worth the long trip for us East-coasters, what with the tropical Caribbean islands and the…

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Light the Night!

Each year, families across the Richmond area illuminate the night and the holidays with a dizzying array of lights and decorations that attract thousands of visitors in cars, in buses, and even on foot. Of course, lots of folks decorate…

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The Ultimate Gift

  When you count your blessings this Thanksgiving, what will be on that list? For the more than 25,000 Americans who received a lifesaving transplant since last Turkey Day, the holiday will be infused with a whole new level of…

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Tweens, TechSpeak, and Writing

I once read that the average teenager texts the equivalent of “War and Peace” in one year's time, but like most adults, teenagers don’t consider this time spent as real writing. This disconnect is problematic. WDIMBT? It leads to what…

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Instrumental Inspiration

The American Youth Harp Ensemble performs in some of the world's most prestigious venues, yet many people in Richmond aren't aware that the world-class group exists. The group's founder and artistic director, Lynnelle Ediger-Kordzaia, hopes to change that dynamic. On…

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Little Bullies

Your daughter comes home from school looking sad and a little worried. She tells you she doesn't like school anymore and doesn't want to go back. After a little coaxing, you find out that a classmate has been shoving her,…

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RFM Cover Kid Reunion

We can’t help but show off these real Richmond kids! You’ve seen them every month. See the Cover Kids Video And each issue of RFM flies off the racks – from Ashland to Petersburg – largely because of these happy,…

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Shore and Much More

Mine is a mixed marriage. My husband loves the beach. I love the city. And the kids love adventure. So this year, we decided to vacation in Charleston, SC. We toured the sites in the morning and hit the beach…

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The Love Of Learning

Think back to the schools of yesteryear, the ones you and your siblings may have attended. Whether public or parochial there was most likely one teacher and one classroom for each grade. Children walked to their neighborhood school and knew…

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