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Nurturing Seeds of Recovery

By October of 2017, body image issues, dieting, and anxiety collided with the trauma of a sexual assault to create a perfect storm for Emma Manis. That’s when Emma, at age twenty-two, was diagnosed with anorexia, body dysmorphia (an obsessive…

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More Than a Media Company

VPM – the largest media organization in Central Virginia – is a lot like other media outlets. Its content is found on television, radio, and digital platforms. It has a trained news team that reports on state and local government,…

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Crisis Prep, School, and Kids

I have to admit, I’m one of those parents who hugs her child a little tighter before school every morning. My daughter is in second grade and the thought of the Newtown and Parkland shootings, among others, is always somewhere…

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Ultimate Family Cruise Guide

I keep my own neurosis close to heart (no exposure therapy for me, thanks), but cruising the Big Blue isn’t one of them. Sailing on a beautiful ship is such bliss for me that I envy the oldsters who spend…

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Channeling Grief Into Action

It only took a moment for Anne Moss Rogers’ life to change direction; only seconds for her to move from years of fear and dread to a life committed to service and education. That moment, when she learned her younger…

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Big Science Win for CF Families

Shortly after 15-year-old Anna Thompson was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis as a newborn, she had to spend thirty minutes three times a day participating in what is known as chest physical therapy. For the first years, her parents had to…

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Life-Saving Work of UNOS in Richmond

Charlotte Cavanagh’s parents were thrilled when their daughter was born. She was the couple’s first child, and everything about the delivery and their new baby seemed typical. But just two days after her parents brought Charlotte home, she wouldn’t eat…

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Parenting through Grief

A week after my grandmother passed away, a friend asked if my children were doing okay. “I’m really not sure,” I told her. “I don’t even  know  how I’m doing.” When we first learned of my grandmother’s sudden but peaceful…

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