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Advice for Parenting Teens

My soon-to-be eighth-grader has a crush on a neighbor. A few summers ago (pre-crush and pre-pandemic), I let them hang out together in her bedroom. I don’t think that’s a good idea now. Any thoughts on how I should approach…

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Protect Your Family from Cancer

Every year, more than 46,000 Americans are diagnosed with preventable cancers caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). Today a vaccine exists that prevents the majority of HPV infections which, in turn, prevents more than 90 percent of all cancers caused…

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COVID-19 Vaccine for Our Littlest Ones

Little ones will finally get their shot at COVID-19 protection, literally. Nearly a year and a half after the first COVID vaccine was administered in the United States, both Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna are nearing submission for emergency use authorization (EUA)…

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