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Not Your Grandma’s Tonsillectomy

Remember when it seemed like every other kid on the block was having his tonsils removed? Lots of adults recall being promised ice cream after the procedure and then, sadly, being too sore to eat it. Today, however, tonsil removal…

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Through the Years

There's a reason the phrase soft as a baby's bottom is used to describe the smoothest, softest skin any of us will ever have. Aging brings skin changes, and despite the claims of makers and sellers of the many lotions…

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Who, Me? Snore?

If your spouse says the dog is more welcome in bed than you are, it might be time to do something about your snoring. Or at least talk about it. About 45 percent of adults snore (most of them are…

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Your Child & Surgery

Surgery is scary for anyone, but it can be particularly scary for a child – and sometimes even more unnerving for the parents of the little one. When a child is scheduled for a surgical procedure, the entire team of…

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Kids & The Sugar Pipeline

It’s recognized as the most prevalent, unmet health need among American children today. It’s five times more common than asthma. And what might be most shocking is that the condition is largely preventable.What is this chronic and rampant disease? The…

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Your Golf Game

As an orthopedic specialist and avid golfer all-too familiar with elbow and shoulder pain, I have to admit I added rotator cuff tendonitis to my own chart a number of years ago. But the truth is, whether you’re in all-pro…

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