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Making Pandemic Peace

For those of you who might not know, magazine articles are written well in advance of their publication. As I type these words into my iPad Pro, it’s a clear sunny morning in early April and my family has been…

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Just Say No to Plastic!

My aha moment for reducing plastic came at my kids’ elementary school playground when I noticed all the juice box straw wrappers. I picked up fistfuls of wrappers and threw them away and realized that when we give kids juice…

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Amicable Divorce is a Thing

Television and movies often show the flashy sides of divorce by portraying heated courtroom showdowns, spouses hiding money in Swiss bank accounts, and confrontations about steamy extramarital affairs. While some of these scenes can be derived from real life, most…

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Kindergarten Countdown Camp

When Bonnie Soto was told she was having twins in 2014, she suddenly found herself confronting a revised family budget that didn’t fit with her original plans. She had figured that after her baby was born, she would find childcare and…

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Playdough Parenting

“There’s a sign-up sheet on the table!” is the last thing any working parent wants to hear during back-to-school night at a preschool. If I’m completely honest, I remember being skeptical of it being called back-to-school night in the first…

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You Are Supreme

And so, it’s time to pull away from the curb. Again. You and I drove all these hours back to campus, and then I tried to fill an hour by asking if there was anything else you needed, or if…

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Enhancing Your Child’s Body Image

Our 14-year-old son is built like me, thin and wiry, while my 12-year-old daughter is the picture of her father – stronger and heavier with very broad shoulders. Unfortunately, she’s getting unwanted attention about this from so-called friends and family…

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