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Some Thoughts on Childcare

“The funniest thing happened today!” She said it with a nervous giggle. I had just started using full-time childcare for my firstborn, who I was picking up after a day at the office. A lovely and enthusiastic twenty-ish woman plucked…

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Handyman Dad

I suppose if it weren’t for the toilet that wouldn’t flush all those years ago, I wouldn’t be the married man I am today or living the life I’m living today.  But thank you, God, for that commode. The raven-haired…

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Does Your Family Need a Retreat?

I bet you’ve participated in or know someone who has attended a retreat for church or a motivational conference for work. You may have even had the privilege of traveling to The Homestead, The Greenbriar, or if you’re really fortunate,…

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What to Stash, What to Trash

If your home is anything like mine, it might feel like you’re constantly trying to prevent what I call the paper pile-up. Every day, it seems that more paper is coming in, and not enough is going out. Before we…

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Riding the Potty Train

There we sat – crisscross applesauce on a cold kitchen floor – surrounded by a sea of Duplo LEGO blocks. One of us didn’t have pants on. The look on her face was a combination of shock and delight. My…

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Caving In!

I like those old Coleman magazine ads where the kids stand by the stream with fishing poles, reeling in trout; Mom kneels near the picnic basket, driving in tent stakes; and Dad tugs at the station wagon, loosening the canoe.…

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Parenting Questions Answered

When I visited my mother over the holidays for five days, I caught a lot of grief about putting my 4- and 6-year-olds in bed pretty early (as usual) and limiting sugary treats (like always). How do you feel about…

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Know Your Breastfeeding Rights

It’s everywhere these days: Everyday moms and celebrity moms are talking more and more about breastfeeding in public. From Chrissy Teigen’s social media posts (and classic responses known as clapbacks to negative comments), to Kate Hudson’s Instagram pics of nursing…

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