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Adventures in Potty Training

Over the holidays, my mother was appalled that my almost 3-year-old son was not potty-trained yet. I told her it wasn’t a battle I wanted to have, and that I was waiting for the right time. Are parents these days waiting longer for this, or am…

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The Smart Woman’s Guide to Divorce

No parent of young children wants to think her marriage could end in divorce. Yet, the statistics are there, and everybody knows that for a variety of reasons, many families are faced with separation and divorce. If you have any…

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The One About Raising Daughters

It seems every day now, the news brings word of another man accused of using his power to abuse and harass women. Women you know (or you yourself) have probably made a #MeToo post on social media sharing experiences of…

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This Christmas, Chill with the Family!

Each year, as the holidays approach, I am overwhelmed with the countless articles, infinite ideas, and gazillion social media posts about ways to simplify, cookies to bake, crafts to make for your kids’ teachers, 101 events to hit in town,…

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Let’s Talk About Sex

My parents weren’t very comfortable discussing certain subjects as I was growing up. I’m aware kids are growing up faster than ever, and I want to be prepared to talk to mine about sex, and for them to feel comfortable…

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New Leadership Goals

Virginians have elected a new governor, Ralph Northam, who will take office January 13, 2018. What will his priorities be? One early action he could take to ensure children’s issues are a top priority during his administration is to form…

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It’s ChristmaKwanzUkkah!

Winter break or Christmas vacation – or whatever you call the beautiful block of school-free time during the holiday season – never falls at the perfect time for families. When my children were little, I took full advantage of every…

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Please, No More Santas

His eyes follow you around the room! It’s true. They do. I swear. See for yourself. Start from this end of the den, where he watches you from his preferred spot on top of the TV cabinet, his nose and…

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Thanksgiving’s Attitude of Gratitude

We have empty seats at our Thanksgiving spread. This year, someone else will slice open the boiled eggs and mix the yolks with paprika and relish before presenting them as deviled eggs, the way my grandmother did every Turkey Day…

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Kids and Service Hours

My 12-year-old has a community service program at her middle school. It’s not required, but I can’t decide if I should encourage it or not. I think it’s a good idea, but it feels like one more responsibility she might not be…

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