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Slow Down Summer

  There’s a name for what a lot of us are doing. It’s hyper-parenting. Don’t give me that look, I didn’t come up with it. Hyper-parenting is a term coined by psychiatrist Alvin Rosenfeld in his book, The Over-Scheduled Child:…

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Parenting Through Divorce

Q: My husband and I have recently separated and are headed toward divorce. While we disagree on many things, the one thing we both want is to lessen the negative impact of the divorce on our 8-year-old daughter. Any suggestions?…

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On Their Own

They had a plan. My oldest daughter Sam, who was just shy of twelve at the time, and a neighborhood buddy wanted to go on an adventure, a mile-long walk to the ice cream shop that had just opened down…

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Six Words I Say to Emma

I was introduced to Rachel Macy Stafford, also known as Hands Free Mama, through a blog post she called “Six Words You Should Say Today.” I immediately developed a deep appreciation for her parenting style. She’d read an article about…

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Go Fish, Richmond!

One of my favorite TV shows growing up was Franc White’s The Southern Sportsman. I’ll never forget how he signed off each episode with, “Do yourself a favor, take a kid fishing.” I liked it so much, I used it…

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She’s Planning Her Wedding

I suppose all that’s left for me to do now is whip out the credit card. Because according to my lovely daughter, the plans have all been made. She’s picked out the dresses. The reception details have been put to…

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Expert Advice

Q: I am blessed to be married to a man who is a fantastic father. I have trouble admitting this to anyone, but I’m jealous. It seems like Mom is always the heavy at our house. How do I get…

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What’s Your Kid-Span?

Years ago, when I contemplated the spacing of our children’s births, I thought more about immediate issues than how the differences in their ages would play out down the road. My chief considerations, at the time, were sleep (theirs and…

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Oh, Babies!

Born to bear!  is what my dad used to say about me, the youngest of his five daughters. And although it embarrassed me a little (I liked to think I had at least a few other things going for me),…

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There Will Be Breasts

The fact that I’m still alive and that I have breasts. These are my risk factors for the cancer that nearly 41,000 women in Virginia were diagnosed with last year alone. When it comes to some of the other things…

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