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That Empathy Thing

Last month, as you might recall, the interwebs came apart at the seams because of a dress. You know the one I’m talking about. The one that was either white and gold or blue and black. Everyone had an opinion,…

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Keeping Children Safe

    Q: I have good reason to suspect an adult is mistreating my son’s friend. Who do I contact if I suspect child abuse? Will my report stay confidential? A: As parents, we are constantly concerned with the safety of our…

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“Can I Drive Tonight?”

I remember when it was time for my daughter to get her driver’s license. Like any other parent, I was concerned for her safety. She learned to drive in my wife’s large Suburban, so when we wanted to find a…

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Advice for Older Moms

Q: I am forty and just found out I’m having a baby. This is my second, but number one was born when I was just twenty – truly a lifetime ago! I am scared to death of everything: labor and delivery,…

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Call Me Tax Dad

I have my #2 pencil. Here is the calculator with the enormous number pad. All my forms, receipts, and financial statements are neatly stacked in front of me. Time now to engage in that sacred, annual ritual. I am doing…

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Learning to Lose Like a Ninja Warrior

Up until he was seven, sports were a source of camaraderie, physical exercise, and lots of fun for my son. Matthew willingly participated in soccer, flag football, basketball, and baseball. Sports were a place where everyone won because no one…

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Gaming in a Family Way

We were a ping-pong family. My mother had her own paddle that she stored in a velour drawstring pouch. My dad had a top-spin on his serve that made it nearly impossible to return. These are very clear memories from…

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It’s a New Eat-ittude!

Time after time we’re told what not to eat, what not to wear, what not to think, say, do, and risk. The focus is always on the negative. From the time we’re children we’re told “no” more emphatically than we’re…

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Eating Through the Ages

Everyone remembers at least some of the lyrics from that song in the iconic musical, Oliver. “Food, glorious food! Don’t care what it looks like. Burned, underdone, crude. Don’t care what the cook’s like.”  What parent today wouldn’t love to hear…

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