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Play Dates and Stranger Danger

Q: I admit it, playdates at my house drive me crazy. I try to leave the kids alone, but every time I listen in, an older neighbor kid is consistently making all the decisions and calling all the shots. How…

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Freewheeling Pride

We rode our bikes to the library that spring morning and a dad with his son took notice. “Wow! How long have you been riding, little lady?” he asked. The question was directed to my first-grader and I bit my…

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This Grand And Spinning Dream

We’ll fly above the clouds and across the starry sky once we’re snug inside our pint-sized pirate ship. But before we get to take our ride on Peter Pan’s Flight, we’re going to have to wait in line. Not to…

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Riding The Potty Train

Whether you have a tiny warrior or a little princess, potty training can be a challenge to a new mom. My experience was chaotic, to say the least. When we first started to potty train our son, Jace, I had…

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Got Custody Questions?

At a coffee shop, I overheard a mom talking on her cell phone. She was lamenting her single-mom status and all the responsibilities she faced on a daily basis, which did sound more than a bit overwhelming. At one point,…

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The Look

Our younger son Sam just gave me The Look. Sam is a newly-minted 13-year-old, so The Look has arrived right on schedule. The Look is a teenager’s primary response to parental stimuli, and our older son, Ben, is seventeen, so…

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Trash Talk

Jump back with me into “Mad Men” time. Don is still married to Betty, and the Draper family is finishing up a family picnic at a park. Before heading back to the car, Don throws his beer can across the…

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Connect Three

Because I have the privilege of filling this incredible space every month, I keep a running list of topics and themes that might work here. When ideas come, I save them in my Ed Voice file. For the past month,…

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Springing Forth!

Prior to having children, I never would have described myself as the outdoorsy type. I’m content indoors with air conditioning and comfortable furniture. Yet, I was blessed with two children who love the outdoors and ask to be outside –…

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