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Prevent Child Abuse

Q. Last week in the grocery store, I saw an adult completely lose her temper and scream and threaten a child. It made me think of other situations, even with my friends, when parents have crossed a line with their…

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Once More to Cotillion

How long has it been? Twenty years? Well, it’s great to see you again after all this time. And look, here’s a corner table that’s got our name on it. Yes, life is good, and the kids are growing up…

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Expert Parenting Advice

Q: I have been divorced for several years and have two children, six and nine. They live with me during the week and with their father most weekends. I have been dating Chris for three months. We usually see each…

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Stay Up on Social Media

Q. All of my son’s friends are on Instagram and most of them have Facebook pages. He’s twelve. What do you think about kids and social media? A. Social media is an increasingly larger part of the way we all…

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Stalking is Serious

Anyone can be a victim of stalking, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, or age. I think we all know that intellectually, but take a moment and ponder what that really means. It means no one is immune from being…

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The Cookie Monster Within

Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the cookie aisle, I bring you research from the hallowed halls of Connecticut College that suggests Oreo cookies may be as addictive as cocaine. Shocking as this news may…

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See Pop Shop

    My sister married her high school sweetheart. My cousin found the love of his life in sixth-grade English class. Not so for me. By the time I met and married the man who would, as they say, complete…

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Yes You Can!

  Our homeschooling journey started when our son’s school suggested cognitive development testing for him. Rather than work with the school system to create an IEP or 504 plan, we chose to homeschool him so that he could receive year-round…

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