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Aloha Summer

I could almost feel the cold, hard stare on the back of my head. I did not glance up into the rearview mirror. Doing so would not turn back time. The question could not be un-asked. School had just let…

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boy preteen sad depressed


Have you wondered if your child may have ADHD? Read on to learn how to spot the symptoms, get a diagnosis, and find helpful resources.

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All Together Now

When my dad turned seventy-five, there was quite a party. We were all together: my four older sisters, my brother, and me, various and sundry spouses, the majority of his seventeen grandkids and four great grandchildren, family friends and neighbors,…

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Sale-ing Lessons

Garage sales, rummage sales, tag sales.The sale ing season is upon us. Until I had children, two daughters, I was never the garage sale type. Now you can't keep me away. It's more that just saving a buck, although we…

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The Show Never Ends

He’s downstairs on the computer. She’s up in her room checking Instagram. Mom is deep into another book on her iPad. And me? I’m glued to a tiny smartphone, checking my email for the umpteenth time today. Good gracious, what’s…

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Child Support

Going through a divorce with kids is a big deal. Emotionally and financially, the repercussions are huge. Fortunately for most, once the divorce is final and custody and child support are established, a new routine is set and followed. But…

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Fill ’em Up!

There's a lot of information out there - some of it very confusing - about how our young athletes should fuel their bodies. As parents, it can be difficult to decipher what is myth, and what is fact. It would…

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Quantum Scheduling

You'll have to excuse me if this column is rushed. I am fitting it in between a performance by the undertwelve bassoon quintet, the regional finals of the distance medley relay, and a field trip to the pet rock museum.…

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