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Help Prevent Child Abuse

Q: My son is marrying a young woman who grew up in an abusive home. I know she hasn't sought professional therapy to deal with these issues, but her abuser is no longer in her life. She is wonderful in…

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Bullying Basics

When I was in eighth grade, I missed two weeks of school to go to Europe with my parents, which was great. When I returned, however, the leader in my group of gal pals had decided she didn't want me…

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Looking For Work?

Many of us remember our first job. Whether it was working at the local movie theater or trekking through the woods as a camp counselor, we appreciated the chance to get out in the working world and earn our own…

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The Sippy Sails On

So look what I found. Here, on the top shelf, behind the gravy boat, next to the porcelain teacups we never use. It's an old sippy cup, scuffed and scratched and faded, but still standing tall after all these years.…

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Truth Fairy

She had been wiggling that tooth for at least a week. First with her tongue. Then with her finger, despite our repeated reminders to keep her hands away from her mouth. As is usually the case, it was the first…

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Parenting Wisdom

Q: I have been questioning myself over how I handled a situation with my 12- year-old daughter a few weeks ago.She came home from school very upset over having been left out of a sleepover party given by one of…

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Small Business Talk

Payroll taxes. Benefits. Worker's compensation. I know, i know. Heavy stuff, but read on, because it may save you the hassle of back taxes and potential lawsuits. If you own a small business, you are probably familiar with the idea…

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Drive Time

It happened on the way to Water Country. My hands were clammy on the steering wheel. I could feel my heart thumping in my ears. A set of deep-breathing exercises did nothing to calm my anxiety as I signaled to…

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Kids and Screen Time

Q: We have two children, a 9-year-old boy and a 14-year old girl. It's becoming harder to monitor what movies they watch and video games they play as they start to spend more time with friends. We are not comfortable…

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Sick Call

  It's six-thirty in the morning. You go into your child's room to wake her up for school, and you find a sniffling, coughing little one asking to stay home. Of course you have a huge presentation at work that…

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