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Tax Assistance for Working Families

Taxes can be complicated, and it can be especially difficult to maximize your refund when completing your taxes on your own. For low- and middle-income households, these complexities are often a barrier to building financial stability.  There’s a program to…

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Lessons of Spring

Spring in Richmond! It’s rife with daffodils in gardens, baby bunnies in backyards, a dusting of yellow powder on everything, and hummingbirds helplessly trapped in the garage.  Okay, maybe that last one’s just at our house. But we all know…

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John Morgan

The One About Fishing and Cars

Careful! Cut away from yourself.”  My seven childhood trips to the ER make me stress this rule more than most. Levon ripped open the cardboard. He was ready to get started. The box was no bigger than a desk dictionary.…

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Big Man On Campus

The smooth greens. The stately trees. The academic buildings that beckon all who walk along the paths that cross the vaunted quad. It’s all just how you remember it – though at another college, in another place, in your all-too-distant…

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It’s a Wonderful Life

“He didn’t want to miss out.” About this time last year, Adam Oakes, a student at VCU, died of alcohol poisoning after drinking a 40-ounce bottle of whiskey at an off-campus party. On the local news, I heard one of…

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Raise Your Voices for Kids and Families

Each year, Voices for Virginia’s Children hosts Advocacy Days during the General Assembly session in Richmond. Youth, parents, nonprofit partners, and community members take the opportunity to speak with their elected representatives on issues that matter to them. For many,…

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5 Signs You’re Trying to Be a Good Parent

Am I a good parent? Maybe not perfect. But at least good? Every parent asks this question at least once, more likely every day. Your child’s answer may vary widely depending on when you last let her have dessert. Your best friend…

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Open Heart and Open Home!

My family’s caregiving journey for an older adult began some thirty years ago when my father died unexpectedly. In her sixties, my mom was thrust into a dynamic situation of caring for a home, cars, and a yard, and it…

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