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Expert Advice

Q. I just found out that one of my 16-year-old son’s close friends is in rehab – or has started AA or something similar. I don’t have all the details, but I’m worried. If his friend is in this deep,…

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At the Peak of His Powers

Left, right, left, right - okay, now I'm in the groove. Just keep the stride going for ten more minutes, and the treadmill odometer will hit that magic three-mile mark. Then tomorrow I'll see if I can push it a…

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Advice for Parents

Q: Our first son was talking up a storm by age two, but his little brother doesn't seem to be picking it up as well. He follows directions, so we know he hears just fine. A friend has suggested looking…

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If Your Kid’s Arrested

I've been arrested. Once, when I was fourteen years old. That's right. Your RFM legal writer has a criminal record. Surprised? Probably not. Many law-abiding, hard-working parents have had a brief run-in with law enforcement, most likely during those rebellious…

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When I was a kid, Halloween was one day. It was a glorious day to be sure. But it was one day - in the life of a busy, happy family with six children and two working parents. When Halloween…

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Driving Lessons

I can chart my children’s maturation via their changing locations in the family car. First came the backward-facing infant seat, and then the forward-facing infant seat. Time passed and the infant seat was replaced by a child car seat, which…

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Accidents Happen

Ten days after I got my driver's license, I was in a car accident. Another driver drifted into my lane and hit my car while tuning his radio. The good news is that everyone was okay. Only my car was…

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Rooted in Tradition

It was eighteen years ago in early autumn when my husband and I took our dog, Rosco, and our two-day-old marriage camping. Over the years, I've learned that most couples cannot begin to fathom why we would have thought a…

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Early Parenting Education

My daughter Zora just celebrated her first birthday. Or, more accurately, the family celebrated it for her. At her age, life's a party. Every day brims with play and doting attention. If only the good times could roll uninterrupted from…

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