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Celebrating the Holidays with Kids

If you’re anything like me, you’ve barely managed to put your Halloween decorations back in the attic (or perhaps they are still on the porch – shhh, I won’t tell anyone), and you are already feeling the pressures associated with…

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Un-Stuffing the Holiday Season

As weird as the holiday season was last year – no meals out, no shows or movie theaters, no big family gatherings, no church service on Christmas Eve – I have to admit, paring back the shopping was kind of…

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Here’s to the Holiday You Have

 We did it! We made it to another holiday season. We survived Halloween and another election, and we are pointed squarely in the direction of Thanksgiving. The days have now grown shorter. It’s time for the extroverts to connect with…

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5 Ways to Support Young Athletes

Watching your child’s athletic aspirations evolve from a distant dream to an attainable reality is a goal many parents have for their young athlete. The intensity of sports at the middle and high school level has increased exponentially over the…

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Who Benefits from the Child Tax Credit?

Before the pandemic, 13 percent of children in Virginia lived in families earning below the poverty level (just under $26,000 for a family of four), and one in three children were economically disadvantaged. With the significant disruption caused by the…

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Why We All Need Halloween

“Butterfingers are my life.” Our middle daughter, the child who teachers often described as an old soul in elementary school and who in young adulthood still has a somewhat tenuous relationship with smiling, made this statement one Halloween. My husband…

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John Morgan

The Meanest Teacher in Town

Before sixth grade even started, the rumors swirled. Everyone said Mrs. Lamb was tough, mean, and scary. Even guys from other schools knew her students were prisoners. But there was no bread and water. Instead, she was all about journal…

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