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Four Facts of Life and Death

It’s January, and if you’re anything like me, you’re hitting the gym instead of the holiday party circuit (that was so December). And, you’re contemplating making a New Year’s resolution or two, which means it’s time to reassess self, finances,…

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All Talk

New research out of Toronto confirms what I’ve been telling myself and my husband – loudly and repeatedly – for many years now. Talking to yourself is not a bad thing. In fact, these brilliant Canadian scientists say that “using…

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Good Car-ma

  It was a case of mistaken pedal identity. The age-old accelerator versus brake puzzle. That’s what the nice lady said as she clambered from the mid-sized SUV that had crashed through the fence moments before and was now kissing…

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A Story of Good Will

Ah, December. The month when fall rounds the corner, stubs its toe on a discarded turkey bone, and careens towards winter. The month when autumn’s fiery foliage dims to dull brown husks collecting on our lawns and in our gutters.…

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Balancing Act

  “You know, none of this stuff was even on my list,” I overheard my medium-sized daughter tell her older sister after the Christmas morning dust had settled. She sounded a little miffed. I don’t remember the year (eight maybe?)…

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Mouse In The House

She’s sniffing. And pacing. And pawing the corner where the carpet meets the wall. C’mon now, girl, what’s the matter? Uh-oh. I think I know. The dog always figures it out first. There’s trouble brewing within these walls, a crisis-in-the-making…

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Teen Talk & Baby’s Bath

Q: My ninth-grade daughter has suddenly started locking her bedroom door almost all the time.Should I ask why? Tell her to stop? Please help. A: It sounds as though your teen is going through the normal developmental process of separation and…

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Game Day DOs & DON’Ts for the Family

In my house, fall means the much-anticipated football season is upon us. Like many families, our weekends from September into the New Year are largely dictated by football schedules. This is a fond tradition my husband and I enjoyed as…

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How Now, Bart Starr?

It’s been forty years since I last laid eyes on him. Now here he is, tumbling out from between the pages of an old book I’ve brought down from the attic. Untouched and undisturbed all this time, my old Bart…

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