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Big Kid Discipline and Separation Anxiety

Q: Can you recommend a good discipline strategy for 10-year-olds? A: Yes, in one word: consequences.When parents are first trying to diffuse temper tantrums and other toddler and preschool misbehavior, the positive language of “choice” is very effective. With an…

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I come from quiet stock. Subsequently, my children are, well, quiet kids. They raise the occasional ruckus, but like their mom before them they are encouraged to raise it outside - on the field of play, for example. They don’t…

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Parents First

A few years back, we were so completely consumed with life – attending back-to-school nights, planning Halloween costumes, working on a parenting magazine, managing a myriad of important fall commitments – that we just forgot about our wedding anniversary. It…

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Back of the Class

Author’s note: In order to preserve the dignity of this fine family magazine, underlined words in this column are to be pronounced backwards. Thank you. If you have a child in elementary school, you probably have opportunities to read to…

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Time-outs and Tween Moods

Q: I’ve seen a friend try to give time-outs to her 2-yearold. She’s holding the child in a chair and telling him it’s a time-out. I thought the idea was to take attention away. Is he too young? Is this…

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Multicultural Families

  So, what’s his name again?” I was asked, over and over, after my family had learned that I, an African American Virginian, was dating a half-Mexican, half-Caucasian kid, also from Virginia. “It’s Enrique, but everybody calls him Rick or…

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Just You Wait

Sleeping through the night at eight weeks. Nursing like a champ every four hours. Potty training at two. “This one’s reading all the baby books,” the pediatrician joked. He meant the baby, not me. My mother maintains God gave my husband…

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When Dad’s in Charge

She’s out there, somewhere, winging her way toward us.And now the two most beautiful words in the English language are flashing on the big board here in Concourse 3: ON TIME. Don’t get me wrong. I didn’t expect things to…

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