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Time now for an issue that despite the dearth of attention it receives in the media, affects us all. Today, we’re going to talk about glue gun control. My guess is you’re wondering how we’ll have a productive conversation about…

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Down! Set! Huh?

The reason I watch the Super Bowl (and I’m talking about the actual football game, mind you, and not just the commercials) is because I am a caring and concerned father. Being a caring and concerned father is also the…

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Expert Answers to Parenting Questions

Q: Things disappear when my daughter’s friend is visiting our house and I don’t know how to handle it. I am convinced this girl (she’s 14) is stealing items from our home. She and my daughter are very good friends.…

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Sick-Day Solutions

Fortunately, it hasn’t been anything serious. Illness in our house has been limited to the standard stuff: viruses, strep throat, croup, strep throat, pinkeye, hand foot and mouth disease – and did I mention strep throat? My boys come home…

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Can’t Buy Me Love

To be honest, I’m not sure of the exact words she used. But I do remember thinking: My daughter is absolutely brilliant. In fact, I may have said something along those lines to the woman standing next to me in Target…

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Bad dad days. We all have them. Sometimes it’s just a nagging feeling: I’m not doing as good a parenting job as I could. Sometimes it’s more specific: I feel guilty because I missed Johnny’s soccer game. Or: I snapped at…

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Expert Answers to Parenting Questions

Q: Our 16-year-old daughter has a very large chest. It’s getting in the way of her quality of life when it comes to feeling comfortable in clothes and fitting in with her peers. She’s at a healthy weight. Should we…

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A Happy Birthday Party

As the mother of two adorable boys, I have had the pleasure of planning, putting on, and attending a number of birthday parties. Many of my friends cringe when faced with planning a party for their child. In fact, most…

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Cell Phone Shopping

While I stood mesmerized in the cereal aisle, overwhelmed by the great wall of boxes, I tried to remember if it was Fruit Rings or Fruity Hoops that I had been instructed not to buy. One of them, I had…

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Let There Be Lights!

So go ahead. Hang a wreath on every door. Fill the mantel with all the fresh holly and pinecones you like. Line the bookcases with as many porcelain Santas as they can hold. But let’s get one thing straight right…

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