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Expert Answers to Parenting Questions

Q: I just got home from my friend’s house and was amazed to see her nine-month-old almost walking. My little guy is finally sitting up by himself – but only if I put him there. Should I be worried? A:…

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Get Your Teen Talking!

When it comes to communicating with your teen, there are ways to make him or her talk. While I do not profess to being an expert, I have parented four teens – three at the same time! So, I speak…

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One to Remember

It was my sister who jolted me back to reality. “Lemme get this straight,” she deadpanned. “Your daughter’s favorite Christmas gift this year was a 30-year-old, used baby doll?” She paused for effect after almost every word. It was true. I…

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Change of Traditions

Growing up, I never really enjoyed Thanksgiving all that much. There, I said it. Maybe it’s because my two boys won’t be able to read for a few more years. Maybe it’s because my parents don’t have the Internet and…

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Expert Answers to Parenting Questions

Q: My first husband and I are divorced and we both have recently remarried. So, our two kids, 6 and 10, now have two sets of parents. We have very different parenting styles. Would you suggest setting some ground rules about discipline…

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Surviving Sleep Deprivation

I think every parent preparing for the arrival of a new baby knows that a certain amount of sleep deprivation is imminent. It’s just part of the deal. When I was pregnant, I had a vague notion that once the…

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Who’s to Blame?

It’s Thanksgiving time again, and I know I speak for every woman in my immediate family over the age of thirteen when I say this: yippee. And while we’re on the subject of cooking. Not long ago, one of my sisters…

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Crossing the Bridge

The sound hits you the moment the elevator doors open. Then you step out onto the hospital’s maternity floor and see them there, behind the glass, crying, wailing, screaming to no end. More than a dozen pink-faced newborns, all wrapped…

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Survive Halloween with These 7 Tricks

No holiday captures the imagination of a child quite like Halloween. Candy! Costumes! Roaming the streets in the dark! It’s no wonder Halloween is considered the most frightening holiday of the year. Frankly, before becoming a parent, I would not…

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