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Sensesational Science

The ear guy and the nose guy joined forces at a world-class institution and great things are happening. "With a $500,000 grant from MEDARVA, we have an exciting opportunity to improve lives through groundbreaking, translational research." At least that's how…

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When Medical Care is Truly Priceless

When Victoria Ravello-Arias moved to the United States from Peru in 2001, it wasn't for medical care. She was looking for a new start and opportunities for her family. Ultimately, the move did more than set her on a new…

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Safe at Home!

Injuries in children are greatly influenced by weather and season.Most of us in the medical field know that pediatric urgent care and emergency room visits for injuries peak in the active summer months. At some point, many pediatricians and emergency…

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Are You a Sinus Sufferer?

Millions of people suffer from constant or repeated headaches, facial pain, fatigue, or stuffy noses. The warm, humid climate here in Richmond means that sinusitis, allergies, and other nasal disorders are very common. The result? Thousands of workdays missed each…

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Summer Eye Hazards

Did you know that more than half a million people each year suffer from home or yard work-related eye injuries? To some people, gardening is fun and to others just a necessary chore. But either way, it's important to remember…

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Not Your Grandma’s Tonsillectomy

Remember when it seemed like every other kid on the block was having his tonsils removed? Lots of adults recall being promised ice cream after the procedure and then, sadly, being too sore to eat it. Today, however, tonsil removal…

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Vision and Outside Play

These days, there's nothing most kids like better than hanging out in the family room playing video games, sitting in front of the computer, texting with friends, or playing with their iPods. Over the last several decades, myopia (or nearsightedness)…

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Through the Years

There's a reason the phrase soft as a baby's bottom is used to describe the smoothest, softest skin any of us will ever have. Aging brings skin changes, and despite the claims of makers and sellers of the many lotions…

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Life Lessons from Joe Klein

Serena Hutcheson wasn't ready to let go of her 80-year-old grandmother, but she learned how to do so from watching her own mother prepare her to say goodbye in the most dignified way possible. "Just the act of watching my…

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Protect Kids’ Eyes

You've packed your bags for spring break, printed your tickets, and found someone to look after the dog. You even remembered to buy new sunscreen. But did you remember your sunglasses? And how about a pair for your child? Although…

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