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Medical Expert Comes Clean

Ahhh, springtime! Warm, fragrant breezes surround us. As we all know, this means we must immediately dive into that ritual called spring-cleaning. Working in healthcare for nearly thirty years, I’ve managed to pick up a strategy or two, or in…

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Kids & The Sugar Pipeline

It’s recognized as the most prevalent, unmet health need among American children today. It’s five times more common than asthma. And what might be most shocking is that the condition is largely preventable.What is this chronic and rampant disease? The…

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Medical Expert Comes Clean

Working alongside doctors, medical experts, and other nurses for nearly thirty years, the insight I’ve gleaned into health and wellness could fill a book. A really big one. Instead, I’m passing along some of that useful info right here to…

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The Desk Jockey & Backache

Imagine your back is like a fine watch with many moving parts. Your spine has 24 vertebrae attached to the pelvis at the bottom and the skull at the top. There are spongy discs between every two vertebrae, working as…

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Baby Making

When Liz and her husband decided to start a family, every month without a pregnancy brought new disappointment and more doubt. “Why is this happening to us? I know we would be good parents. Why is it so easy for…

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The Vision Thief

Diabetes is sneaky. For most, it starts with seemingly simple and harmless symptoms. Unusual thirst or hunger. Frequent urination. Slightly blurry vision. None of us would be particularly frightened by these common signs, but together or alone, they can be…

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Winter-Proofing Ears

Perhaps winter is a good time to take our ears a little more seriously. They’re complex structures, after all, that manage hearing, balance, and pressure in our faces and heads. The moving parts in the middle ear transmit sound; the…

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Your Golf Game

As an orthopedic specialist and avid golfer all-too familiar with elbow and shoulder pain, I have to admit I added rotator cuff tendonitis to my own chart a number of years ago. But the truth is, whether you’re in all-pro…

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Hope in Sight

Not many college students would allow their fathers to tag along on spring break, let alone lobby for it. But that’s exactly how things played out last year for Carrie Wortham and her dad. Carrie, a 22-year-old biology major at…

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