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Who’s Up for a Digital Detox?

Writing this sentence took all day. Instead of clacking away with singular purpose, I interrupted myself incessantly to also send nineteen emails, post to Facebook, and update my Twitter, LinkedIn, and two Instagram accounts. The one goal was to finish…

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A Coach for All Seasons

“Jump!” I could hear him yelling up at me as I stood there shaking at the top of the high dive. I was ten years old and suddenly higher up than any tree I’d ever climbed. The water in the…

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Managing Multiples! Year One Tips

What a difference a year makes! Last May, I was still recovering from the delivery that brought my twin boys into the world. I was also working full-time, pumping around the clock, and scrambling daily to get to the NICU…

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The Kids on the Bus

When my wife Kat and I were beginning our lives together, we didn’t know much, but we did know we wanted to live in a city. Suburbs are fine, but they weren’t for us. Growing up in the Northern Virginia…

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Sleep Mystery Solved

How do I get my 5-year-old to go to bed and stay there? That is a great question, and one almost every parent asks at some point during their children’s lives. General consensus dictates that 5-year-olds require nine to eleven…

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On Being a Mom

Shortly after giving birth to our first daughter, my husband looked deep into my bloodshot eyes (the whites of which were now red from the hemorrhaging that had occurred while pushing like a crazy woman to eject a tiny human),…

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Homework vs. Activities?

The minute the kids step off the bus, do you usher them into your minivan at light-year speed? Is that same van stocked with more pretzels and Gatorade than a 7-Eleven? After soccer practice, you jet over to cello lessons.…

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The Gun Question

A few of my friends have said they won’t allow their children to play with toy guns of any kind.  My 5-year-old son likes to play with guns, and it results in creative and imaginative play for him and his…

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Nanny Mussolini

All right, c’mon, now, hurry up, kids! We need to get cracking – beds made, wastebaskets emptied, fresh towels on the racks. And would someone please find a clean washcloth and set it on the edge of the tub? Your…

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Renaissance Sleepover

Dad, I want to go to Diamonds Direct.” “Why?” “Because I need a crystal to make a lightsaber.” The engine of any Jedi’s sword is a special gemstone that bottles The Force and turns it into a beam of lethal…

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