What Pill Popping Looks Like Now
How to spot prescription drug use and what parents can do to prevent it.
How to spot prescription drug use and what parents can do to prevent it.
So, what’s his name again?” I was asked, over and over, after my family had learned that I, an African American Virginian, was dating a half-Mexican, half-Caucasian kid, also from Virginia. “It’s Enrique, but everybody calls him Rick or…
Sleeping through the night at eight weeks. Nursing like a champ every four hours. Potty training at two. “This one’s reading all the baby books,” the pediatrician joked. He meant the baby, not me. My mother maintains God gave my husband…
She’s out there, somewhere, winging her way toward us.And now the two most beautiful words in the English language are flashing on the big board here in Concourse 3: ON TIME. Don’t get me wrong. I didn’t expect things to…
Q: My son is a junior and refuses to even talk about college. I don’t want to be one of those parents who does everything for their kid, but I can’t just blow this off. Help! A: There are a…
As a mother, a teacher for 19 years, and now a school counselor, I have seen the many anxieties that an upcoming school project can cause for your child. In the end, it can feel like your project when your…
The teacher all three of my women-children agree is the best they’ve ever had, admits he hated school when he was a kid. “And I was a lousy student!” he adds as a dramatic exclamation point. At first, I’m a…
Ben, my oldest son, is thirteen. Sometimes he wanders into the room with a thousand-yard stare, which can only mean one thing. Girls. For the past year or so, he has been growing into an awareness that girls might merit…
Q: My 2½-year-old just moved to a big kid bed. He was a great sleeper in the crib, but now he wakes up several times at night and wanders in his room and through the house in the middle of…
Take a moment to think back to last summer. Did your pool bag seem to double in size over the course of the summer? As the mother of two young girls and admittedly a packaholic, I know mine did. I…