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Oak Hill Service Camp

A Christian service camp that seeks to guide, instruct, and inspire all who attend any of its activities.

Oak Hill Christian Service Camp is a non-profit organization, incorporated under the laws of the state of Virginia. It exists to serve Christian churches by developing camping facilities and programs. The camp is sponsored by Christian Churches/Churches of Christ in the Central Virginia area. It achieves its support from camper registration fees and donations from individuals. Registration fees pay less than half of the money needed to operate the camp.

Oak Hill is unique in its purpose. It seeks to guide, instruct, and inspire all who attend any of its activities. With the influence of godly men and women who come from our churches to help in every capacity of camp life, everyone who attends receives a rich experience in living together, growing together, and worshipping together in the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ. The curriculum is designed to be challenging and pertinent to each age group. A camper who attends 9 years will receive at least 27 different subjects.

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