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Richmond Waldorf School

A summer experience for children ages 3 1/2 through rising 4th grade. Get dirty and wet, garden, play simple games, sing, and enjoy unstructured play! Expect to pick up your child wet, dirty, tired, and happy. Open to all; your child does not need to be enrolled at RWS to attend. This camp runs Weekly June-August 14, 2015, 8:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m., with aftercare until 5:30. $195 per week w/discount for more than one child; aftercare $7.50 per hour.

1st – 12th graders can experience Circus Zirkus and learn circus skills such as juggling and perform for family and friends at end of sessions. This camp runs Weekly July 13-31. $195 per session w/discount for additional sessions. $40.00 materials fee.

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