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April 2010


Happy Campers

You’ve avoided it all your life – those invitations to go out into the wild woods to camp under the stars. But now something’s different. Your kids have convinced you to succumb to your inner survivor. You think you want to tackle the challenge, but you don’t want to give up…

Got Wheels?

Most mornings, Peter Fraser packs up his laptop and paperwork to commute to his offices at Fraser Design, about 10 miles away. He also grabs a water bottle and spare shoes. Then Fraser dons cycling cleats to cover the distance on his bike. Fraser started commuting by bike last summer.…

Building a Global Family

When Patricia Moody adopted Ben from Guatemala in 2005, she had every intention of one day giving her son a little brother or sister. But today, Moody doesn’t see how that will be possible. “It has become much more difficult to adopt internationally,” Moody said, “and I don’t think I could afford…


The Coach Kids Need

  Shortly after leaving coaching football at the college level 15 years ago, I took an active role in coaching my two daughters’ sports teams. I started out filling in for their regular coaches from time to time. That quickly led to full-blown service on the Little League Board of…

Wouldn’t You Like to Know?

Every once in a while, we’ll find a local Richmonder we’d all like to know a bit more about. Same questions each time, and the answers are just for you. This month, we talked to Richmond Kickers’ veteran goalkeeper Ronnie Pascale. This professional soccer player, VCU coach, husband, and father…

Earth Day, Every Day

As editor of a widely read and highly regarded family lifestyle magazine, I am privy to important information to which most parents do not have regular access. I’ll bet you were not informed via email, for example, that April has been designated National Stress Awareness Month. Or that May is National…

Then There Was the Time

Before I had kids, the most exciting thing I could say about my own childhood was that it was over. Don’t get me wrong. It wasn’t a bad childhood, just boring. At least, that’s how it seemed while I was living it. It was inevitable that at some point Ben and…

Kids & Colds

The clock is blinking 2:00 a.m. as you drag yourself out of bed. Baby has a cold, and if baby doesn’t sleep, nobody sleeps. As you stumble to the crib, you have that sense of parental helplessness, wondering if there is anything you can do. Before this leads you to the…

Taste Sensations

Balsamic Chicken drumettes  Combine in a resealable gallon-size bag: ½ cup balsamic vinegar, ½ cup honey, ½ cup light brown sugar, ¼ cup soy sauce, 5 sprigs of rosemary, 3 to 4 strands of thyme, and 5 garlic cloves, halved. Shake to dissolve. Add 10 to 12 chicken drumsticks and/or…


What you need: Green tempera paint Cardboard egg carton Construction paper Tissue paper Pipe cleaners Googly eyes Scissors, markers, glue and/or tape   What you do: Caterpillar: 1. Cut cardboard egg carton in two rows and then into smaller segments. 2. Paint the top side green and set aside to dry.  …

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