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April 2014


RVA Tree Lovers Unite: Take a Tree Tour!

When I was a kid, trees were my monkey bars, from the short mimosa with low, spreading branches to the oak tree that was just right for shinnying up. These ubiquitous giants have been my silent, constant companions: the familiar trees in my home state of Virginia; the scattered, sometimes…

RVA Kids In Uniform?

Some of our kids have grown up wishing they could wear a Hogwarts school uniform adorned with the prestigious Gryffindor crest. But would they have been as happy with khakis and a collared shirt? Others see their wardrobe choices as a mantle of creativity, a statement of individuality that longs…

Spinning Hurricanes Into Gold

  I grew up near San Francisco with beaches that are rugged, breathtaking, and a mondo-sized failure for kids expecting a real beach. Alcatraz sits one-and-a-half miles offshore for a reason. Make a swim for it and you’ll freeze, drown, or be eaten by a shark. So when I realized…


The Look

Our younger son Sam just gave me The Look. Sam is a newly-minted 13-year-old, so The Look has arrived right on schedule. The Look is a teenager’s primary response to parental stimuli, and our older son, Ben, is seventeen, so I’ve not only lived with The Look for a long…

Springing Forth!

Prior to having children, I never would have described myself as the outdoorsy type. I’m content indoors with air conditioning and comfortable furniture. Yet, I was blessed with two children who love the outdoors and ask to be outside – repeatedly. Nine years into parenthood, I’m a converted semi-outdoorsman. I…

Connect Three

Because I have the privilege of filling this incredible space every month, I keep a running list of topics and themes that might work here. When ideas come, I save them in my Ed Voice file. For the past month, I’ve checked on Ed periodically, and now, it’s come to…

Spring at last!

What a winter we’ve had, readers, but I really, really this time, think it’s over and spring has sprung at long last. As endless as this winter felt, some things went by in a flash. Everyone always tells me not to blink or our kids will be grown, and boy,…

That’s a Wrap!

You’re a collector and that’s awesome! You have stunning stones, sea glass, and shells from your beach trip. You even saved the minerals and rocks from that third-grade field trip to the mines. Here’s why: You can create original wrapped pendants using these natural objects. What you need: • 20-…

Spring’s Holiday Table

Cornish Hens with Apricots Soak 3½ cups dried apricots in hot water for 1 hour, then drain. Heat 6 Tbsp peanut oil in a large saucepan. Sprinkle 6 Cornish hens (split in half) with salt, pepper, and 1 tsp cinnamon and brown. In another saucepan, heat 6 Tbsp peanut oil.…

Bob Barker Was Right

Remember to have your pets spayed or neutered. Bob Barker, world-famous game show host, closed each installment of “The Price Is Right” with this prompt, but the decision to follow his advice is not always that simple. The question of whether to have one’s cat or dog surgically altered can…

Trash Talk

Jump back with me into “Mad Men” time. Don is still married to Betty, and the Draper family is finishing up a family picnic at a park. Before heading back to the car, Don throws his beer can across the lawn, and Betty shakes the trash – and there’s a…

Financial Risks

Risk is everywhere, no matter how hard you try to avoid it. With financial risks, some are obvious, others are hidden. The big question is, which financial risks should you avoid, insure, or assume? Inflation, interest rate, market volatility, and taxes are just a few risks that merit review. Inflation…

Prevent Child Abuse

Q. Last week in the grocery store, I saw an adult completely lose her temper and scream and threaten a child. It made me think of other situations, even with my friends, when parents have crossed a line with their kids when I know they are just frustrated and overwhelmed.…

Facing Acne

Most people have experienced acne to some degree, whether it’s an occasional pimple, or full-blown breakouts with cysts and lesions. If you suffered from acne as a teenager, you know the physical, as well as emotional pain that is often felt. Teens struggle with acne for multiple reasons including hormonal…

Richmond Peace Education Center

When two of their classmates were murdered in 2004, a group of students came to Richmond educator Ram Bhagat for guidance. Bhagat, a member of the Richmond Peace Education Center (RPEC) board of directors, helped the teens organize a conference to give voice to their concerns and seek alternatives to…

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