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January-February 2019


The Familiar Face of Teen Acne

Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who’s the zittiest of them all? Sad to say, but nearly every teenager meets a moment when the answer to that question seems painfully clear: It’s me. But even if the scourge of teenage acne might be the stuff of despair for kids the world…

Oh, Baby! Family Travel

Today’s parents rarely see eye-to-eye, except on this: We agree that our own children are ridiculously wonderful! And yet. Blend kids – and babies, especially – with travel? Yeah, that often feels just plain ridiculous. If you’re the parent who’s been putting off travel because you want every child in the…

Glass Half Full! Down Syndrome

Marybeth and Charles Meacham have three children: sons who are in their forties and a daughter who is thirty-eight. Their daughter Anne attended college and now works as a textile hanger with Goodwill Industries in Richmond – she inspects donated clothes for damage and forgotten items in pockets. For four…

Healthy New Year!

Before takeoff, flight attendants remind passengers that oxygen masks will appear before them in the event of decompression. They tell us if we are traveling with a child or someone who requires assistance, we should secure our oxygen masks first then assist the other person. I like to believe the…

Hospital Without Walls

Moms Beatriz and Marleny have more in common than just their Guatemalan heritage. They share a new sense of hope for their children’s health. That’s something they didn’t have before learning about Richmond-based World Pediatric Project (WPP), a nonprofit organization which provides access to lifesaving critical care to children regardless…


Is Foster Parenting for You?

When I was single and a 20-something-year-old pediatric nurse, a child in my care needed a foster home. I loved him, and for about fifteen minutes, I considered it, before realizing I was nowhere near ready for that commitment and filed the thought away as a “maybe one day.” Fast…

What’s A Little Snow?

Are you kidding me?  I mean, come on. Really. You have got to be kidding me. There’s not even three inches of snow out there, and schools are closing? Again? Snow day, you have done it once more – barreling into our lives, turning our daily routine upside down, and…

Happy, healthy 2019!

It’s going to be a great year, can’t you just feel it?! I sure can, and I’m excited to kick off RFM’s tenth year with this super-sized issue, dedicated to keeping our families healthy in the coming year and beyond. Instead of New Year’s resolutions, we have lots of useful…

An American Hero’s Story

On the day after Christmas in 1811, an enslaved African American blacksmith named Gilbert Hunt was visiting his wife downtown at a home where she was a servant. While there, news reached them that the nearby Richmond Theater had caught fire. The mistress of the house then revealed that her…

Prevent Accidental Poisonings

Parents can’t wait to mark milestones in their child’s life, such as a first birthday or first steps. However, with these exciting milestones come added dangers, especially related to accidental poisonings. According to national data on poison statistics, children younger than six years comprise nearly half of all poisoning exposures.…

TBIs and Your Vision

It was one of those freak accidents that you hear about. John, a local professional from Richmond, was in a big box store when a steel display sign hanging from the ceiling suddenly broke and came crashing down on his head. The impact left John lying on the floor, unconscious.…

Virginia General Assembly Watch

Do traumatic events in childhood have to negatively direct the course of someone’s life? The Virginia General Assembly will help answer that question during the 2019 session, which starts January 9. Unfortunately, 19 percent of kids in Virginia have experienced two or more adverse childhood experiences (known as ACEs) – things…

7 Financial Resolutions for a New Year

Do you feel ready to make some changes in your financial life, but don’t know how or where to start? You’re in luck! This month, I have seven easy ways (no, really!) to improve your financial life so you’re in a better place in January 2020 than you are now.…

Embrace the Faux

When it comes to changing the look of a room, it’s hard to beat painting. The possible combinations of colors and techniques are virtually endless, especially when you incorporate faux techniques that mimic different materials. Simple faux projects are within reach – provided you do your homework in advance. That…

Love You to Pieces!

Cold and snowy days are the perfect excuse to stay inside and get busy on making bright, colorful Valentines for friends and family. These beautiful broken hearts will be everyone’s favorite! What you need: • Paper: a heavier cardstock for the base and a variety of plain and decorative papers…

5 Winter Pet Safety Tips

Most pet guardians are familiar with the risks posed to our furry family members during the summer months. We follow the usual guidelines: limiting activity in the heat, refilling water bowls regularly, and avoiding hot pavement. Some even invest in kiddie pools for their more swim-savvy canine friends. However, the…

The American Cancer Society

  Sign up to participate in Making Strides of Richmond, Sunday, October 18, to help save lives lost to breast cancer. Go here. Road To Recovery supports local cancer patients who need a ride to their appointments. For more information on how you can volunteer as a driver for the Road…

Banish the Fear of Falling

Have you ever received the news that a friend has suffered a bad fall? Afterward, did you find yourself carefully placing one foot in front of the other when you walked? Did your nerves start to flutter as you stretched for a platter on the highest shelf? Research has found…

Tech Tips for Raising Readers

My children are getting older, and it is becoming more difficult to maintain our library schedule. I started subscribing to online e-book subscription services like Scribd and Kindle Unlimited, so I could always have the next book ready. I soon realized no paid service had all the books my children…

The Truth About Opioid Prescriptions

It’s easy to say, “That wouldn’t happen to me or someone I love,” but the hard reality is that the opioid epidemic is much closer than you might think because opioids are so commonplace. With five million procedures each year, wisdom teeth removal is one of the most common out-patient…

5-Course Fabulous

Spinach Artichoke Lasagna 2 cups marinara sauce 9 whole-wheat, no-boil lasagna noodles  Spinach and artichoke mixture: 2 cups (16 ounces) low-fat ricotta cheese 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 cup chopped red onion ¼ teaspoon salt 4 cloves garlic, pressed or minced 1 cup jarred artichokes, drained 12 ounces baby spinach…

Is My Child Gay?

I think my 11-year-old son is gay. I’m straight, my husband is straight, and we have no gay friends. I’m about to begin what might be the most important parenting I’ve ever done, and I need some guidance. Do you have any strategies for parenting through the coming out process?…

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