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January-February 2021


Medicine for the Soul

Even though 2020 is in the rear-view mirror, COVID-19 is not. The pandemic rages on. It has changed the world and the way we live, and while people have been affected differently, there’s one side effect most everyone has experienced: the feeling of anxiety over situations that are in many…

Online Publishing Champions of RVA

Since the advent of the Internet, websites and blogs have proliferated, and content creation has become increasingly accessible. A growing number of tools makes it easy to share thoughts, ideas, and experiences with audiences around the world. The benefit? Everyone can find valuable and relevant content that inspires, educates, and…

Meet Warrior Princess Maya!

When Gislane Lima mentioned her infant daughter Maya wasn’t rolling over like other babies her age, the West End mom could sense something was wrong by the expression on her pediatrician’s face. “The doctor had tears in her eyes,” Gislane says. It was the summer of 2018. Maya’s case was…


Running, Dancing, Jumping Rope – How to Start Moving!

There’s never a bad time to start exercising! Jogging, dancing, jumping rope – whatever! – sign up for the next 5k you see and start training. Three years ago this month, on the morning of my fifty-second birthday, I woke up, struggled mightily to pull on a sports bra, double-knotted…

“You are special … but just like everyone else!”

Shortly after her fourth birthday, my daughter Gwen lost every hair on her body, probably forever.  Before Gwen’s diagnosis, I’d never heard of alopecia areata. Fast forward through two years of parenting a child with the most extreme form – alopecia universalis – and it feels like I’m an expert.…

Don’t Touch the Thermostat

So you say you’re feeling just a slight bit chilly. Well, I get it. I really do. And you’re right, it is that time of year, and the weatherman says we’re finally in store for that long-overdue cold snap. So on this winter’s night, there’s no reason we can’t push…

Happy 2021, Friends!

We made it through 2020, a year that was certainly nothing like we envisioned this time last year. Along the way, we found out that we’re more resilient than we could have ever imagined, more resourceful than we thought possible, and now more than ever, more hopeful for brighter days…

Educational, Cultural, and Civic Initiative

In 1938, during the Great Depression and in the shadow of Jim Crow, a group of Black mothers in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, founded an organization to create educational, cultural, civic, and recreational programs for their children in segregated America.  From those first days in Philadelphia, Jack and Jill of America has…

Thinking About Making a Baby?

Nutrition and wellness have always played a large part in fertility. Both things involve a shared focus on the foods we consume, the chemicals we limit or avoid, and the activities that affect our bodies – including sleep, stress, and exercise. Sounds pretty basic, right?  During normal circumstances, improving diet…

Preventing Veteran Suicides

Now more than ever, it is critical to check in with your loved ones, friends, and family – especially those who are veterans. This year, it may feel like you are riding a roller coaster with unexpected twists and turns coming more frequently than you feel equipped to handle. We…

Reinforcing the Safety Net

It was mid-March 2020 when Governor Ralph Northam declared a state of emergency to reduce the spread of COVID-19. He announced, “Our top priority is to make sure Virginians stay safe and healthy, and that our response to this situation leaves no one behind.”  Within the first two weeks of…

6 Ways to Winter at Home

I think it’s safe to start by stating the one big wish every single one of us had on January 1 was for COVID-19 to go away.  Alas, wishes won’t make it happen, and, once again, we find ourselves having to make the best of this very unusual situation for…

Plant Your Blessings Tree

In a year full of challenges, it is good to remember the blessings in our lives. As we kick off a new year, take some time to brainstorm memories, joys, gifts – the positive things that surround you. Jot down your blessings with your family and turn them into a…

Calming Vaccination Anxiety

Help! My 5-year-old has a huge fear of doctors, nurses, and even the pediatrician’s office. He has an older sister who has been trying to help him be brave about getting shots, but all this a done is cause more anxiety. He is due for a bunch of vaccinations in…

Chesterfield Food Bank

In the midst of the pandemic, Jennifer found herself uncertain about where her family’s next meal would come from. After months in the hospital following heart surgery, she had lost her income, apartment, and personal belongings. Jennifer’s sister took her and her children in, but the financial strain caused by…

COVID-19 Made Me A Caregiver

As COVID-19 spreads across the nation and throughout the world, millions of people are coping with its effects. In some families, individuals who previously relied on the help of professional caregivers (whether outpatient or in-home) have now been unexpectedly thrown into the role of providing vital care for those most…

New Year, New Healthy Mindset

With the new year upon us, there is no avoiding the messages telling us to Get fit! and Lose weight! – along with products promising to help us get there quickly. Society places a lot of pressure on us to look a certain way, sets unrealistic expectations, and expresses judgment…

Winter Wonders for Your Mouth

Southwest Sausage Skillet  1 pound mild sausage links 1 small onion (diced in ½-inch pieces) 2 medium sweet potatoes (peeled and cut in ½-inch cubes) 1 small red bell pepper (diced in ½-inch pieces) ½ teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon ground cumin ½ teaspoon coriander ½ cup water or chicken stock…

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