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July 2014


!Destinos Felices!

I wanted to kiss the tarmac when we landed at San Juan Airport, even though it would have burned my lips. But that heat is exactly what we had come for. It was early March. For months, Richmond had been shaken between the glacial fangs of a snarling, slavering icehound…

It Gets Better

This June marked two years. But a loss so profound can feel like just yesterday sometimes for Kelly Jackson, who found her husband on a summer Tuesday morning, lying on the floor in the guest bedroom. “Something told me he was gone,” she remembers. Sean Jackson was forty-one when complications…

Clean House this Summer!

Fighting the entitlement mentality is an increasingly common battle for twenty-first century parents. Consequently, what used to be the typical outcome of parenting – independent kids – is rapidly becoming a novelty. If your kids are numb to the daily responsibilities of family life, recruit them for a summer intensive…


Parenting Blog Best Picks

When baby number one was still an infant, breastfeeding and naptime were spent soaking up parenting books. Many of my friends were in a similar stage in life and were eager to swap stories and suggestions. Expert advice and the support of friends and family helped keep the threat of…

What Dad Never Buys

It’s not that I’m cheap – though others living under this roof would be only too glad to say that I am. And don’t mistake me for one of those hoarders you see on TV, either. Just because I reserve a corner of my kitchen drawer for extra packets of…

Here we are, in the lazy days…

of another steamy RVA summer. Not so lazy for you? Well, it is true that there’s no shortage of ways to keep your crew entertained all summer long in the River City. Whether you’re hitting the summer camp circuit (and I hope the Camp Finder at helped guide you…

Just Winging It

  “Funny how you’re the editor of this great parenting magazine and you’re really just winging it.” That’s what one of my daughters told me a few years back. I don’t remember the exact context. It might have been right after I shared one of my astute parenting insights. Like…

Richmond Animal League

Last winter, Brianna and Golden Merrill decided their children were ready for a pet, and they began the search for a dog to meet the family’s needs. After speaking with a volunteer adoption counselor at Richmond Animal League, the Merrills were introduced to Johnny Cash, a little beagle with a…

Parenting an Only

This month, Susan Brown tackles two questions on the same topic. As the mother of an only child, she knows the territory well. Q: My husband and I made a decision to have one child and we are happy with that decision. The rest of the world seems to think…

What’s Eating …Your Teeth?

It’s your family’s biannual trip to the dentist’s office. You anxiously sit in the waiting room with hopes of a cavity-free report. After a less than perfect visit six months ago, you purchased all the recommended toothpastes and rinses. Your kids even floss to boost cavity prevention. Unfortunately, despite the…

Your IRA, On a Roll

There’s so much to consider when changing jobs, including the potential impact on one’s retirement assets. A job transition provides the opportunity to not only evaluate, but perhaps gain control over company-sponsored retirement plans. Why choose a rollover? Employers typically select and periodically change outside companies to manage their employee…

What’s in a Name?

When we first moved to Virginia, my husband changed his name. We had been married for a little while with our respective last names and, since having a child, we made the family decision that we’d like to have the same last name. I told him I was open to…

The Rest of the Story

Snakes. Do you react to this single word with fascination or phobia? Perhaps more than any other pet, a snake can evoke this range of responses. Snakes are not evil, slippery, or slimy. They are smooth, dry, and graceful. There are more than three thousand species worldwide with unique adaptations…

Ahhh! Summertime Salads

Grilled Shrimp Santa Fe Salad with Lime-Cumin Dressing Peel and devein shrimp. Drizzle with 1 tsp of canola oil and 1 tsp of chili powder. Wrap 2 cobs of corn in foil. Place on grill over medium-high for about 16 minutes, turning occasionally. After 10 minutes, add shrimp to grill…

By-the-Letter Fun

Monograms are all the rage. It’s easy to craft your own colorful design with this creative and easy-to-execute technique. What you need: • Cardboard • Pencil or marker • Yarn or ribbon • Scissors • Tape   What you do: 1. Draw the initials of your monogram on heavy-duty cardboard…

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