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June 2010


Mike Burke On Balancing

Fans call Richmond Kicker Mike Burke, who has played in 250 plus soccer games, garnered numerous MVP honors, and holds the team’s all-time assist title, a “skilled playmaker” and “exciting to watch.” His brothers refer to him as a “manny.” He doesn’t mind that they rib him for being a…

Game Time!

Gillian Smith is pretty busy – for a 6-year-old. In a normal week, she has golf lessons on Tuesday afternoon, soccer practice on Wednesday, Irish dancing lessons on Friday, soccer games on Saturday, and horseback riding on Sunday. Not to mention a commitment to attending University of Richmond sporting events…

Getting a Job!

As the school year winds down, teens are dreaming of trips to Virginia Beach, King’s Dominion, and the mall, while parents are looking at educational road trips, memorable family vacations, and community service projects to fill in the schedule. “I want my kids to have fun this summer, but I…


June 2010 Publisher’s Page

I keep hearing it, and I know it’s true, but it’s so scary to think about. “You think you’re busy with a 1- and 3-year-old,” friends say, “just wait until they’re 8 and 10!” I watch families with older kids juggle all of the activities and wonder how they keep…

Dining Out With Kids?

Going out to eat with my family always seems like a great idea – at first. For a second or two, I forget that my husband and I are the parents of two children under the age of four. But when you both work full-time jobs and feel like you…

Dad for All Seasons

  “He’s here! He’s here! Paula’s … date… is … here!” Our voices rang out like a trumpet fanfare. My father had already pushed the furniture to the walls, clearing a path through our living room to the front entrance hall. The announcement preceded my tumbling run of back handsprings…

A Peck On the Head

Well, just look at the bunch of us now. A bit more weight, a bit more gray, but who cares? It’s a reunion, so it’s bear hugs all around as we shake our heads and try not to count the years we’ve racked up since we last walked this campus…

Children’s Miracle Network

    Ben and his mom Priscilla spent six weeks planning his tenth birthday. The invitations were sent. Mad Science was booked. Ben’s friends were excited to attend. But Ben spent his birthday and the next ten days in the hospital. The day before his birthday, Ben was diagnosed with T-cell…

It’s Grill Time!

1. Prosciutto-Wrapped Chicken  Slice each of four chicken breasts horizontally almost all the way through so they open like books. Place one slice of fresh mozzarella and two basil leaves in the center and close the book. Wrap the chicken breast with a slice of prosciutto to hold it closed.…

Eye Safety

As energy levels soar during the summer months, our children engage life with vigor. As parents, we are ready for them to fly. Whenever possible, I like to advise some level of caution where the eyes are concerned, yet strike a balance, as children need to be children. So, here…

Fishing for Fun

What you need: Perfect stick Yarn or ribbon Construction paper Scissors, markers, crayons, colored pencils, stickers   What you do: 1. Find the perfect stick in the yard or while on a walk. 2. Draw a basic fish outline on construction paper. 3. Cut out the fish and decorate however…

Teen Drinking, Tots, and Potties

Q: When I was a teenager, I signed a contract with my dad that I wouldn’t drink alcohol until I was of legal age. It didn’t work on me. Do you think this is a good idea? A: Interesting that your perspective is “it didn’t work on me” and yet…

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