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June 2013


Head Strong! Kids and Concussions

About a year ago, Ryan Fresco and a group of ninth graders were moving a lacrosse goal across a practice field. In a freak accident, the goal fell on Ryan, causing his head to split open. This is what his mother saw when she rushed to the scene and subsequently…

Teens and Healthy Dating

It’s a lesson best learned young. Michaela is part of a group from Albert Hill Middle School in Richmond who participated in a recent program run by First Things First of Greater Richmond, designed to educate and empower people of all ages about healthy dating, relationships, and marriage. The most…

Building Memories

I don't find amusement parks all that amusing. My idea of an amusement park is the library. You have New Bookland, Non-fictionland, Magazineland, and my happiest stop at the end of a visit - Really Clean Bathroomland. But I have twin ten-year-old boys. Who have LEGO bricks. And - shortsighted…


At last, summer is here!

Warm June greetings to you, RFM readers, and you know what that means – the kids are about to descend upon us for nearly three months! Okay, I’m just talking to those of you who are in my boat – parents of school-aged kids with not a care in the…

Their Two Dads

  There was no more fun to be had. Not for us anyway. The Dippin’ Dots buzz that had sustained us for the last hour had officially melted away. Attention guests. The park is now closed. Please proceed to the nearest exit. We hope you enjoyed… With the rest of…

Fill ’em Up!

There's a lot of information out there - some of it very confusing - about how our young athletes should fuel their bodies. As parents, it can be difficult to decipher what is myth, and what is fact. It would take several articles to explain away some of the myths,…

Quantum Scheduling

You'll have to excuse me if this column is rushed. I am fitting it in between a performance by the undertwelve bassoon quintet, the regional finals of the distance medley relay, and a field trip to the pet rock museum. This is the traditional end-of-school-year crush, which our thoughtful educators…

Pet Health Insurance

With all of the recent news and public discussion about affordable healthcare and mandatory insurance coverage for people, have you thought about your furry family members? Over the past several decades our pets have moved from roaming outside on the farm to angling for pillow space on our beds. For…

Dominion School for Autism

Imagine that your child has just been diagnosed with autism, a neurodevelopmental disability that impacts one in 88 children in the United States and 90,000 individuals in the state of Virginia. "It was like being kicked in the teeth," says Kelly Smith of Henrico, mom to six-year-old Stacylee. "The diagnosis…

Talking About Loss and Sleep Solutions

Q: A close relative has been diagnosed with late-stage cancer. This will be our kids' first experience with losing a loved one. How honest should we be with them? A: Be honest with your children in a way that is appropriate for their age. Ignoring this topic may actually increase…

New Mom’s Health Matters

Nikki, a self-proclaimed neat freak, could not motivate herself to do housework the last few months of pregnancy. Sarah, known for her cool, calm, and collected nature, had unusual worries and was very irritable the first months after her baby was born. Many might dismiss Nikki's symptoms as laziness or…

Child Support

Going through a divorce with kids is a big deal. Emotionally and financially, the repercussions are huge. Fortunately for most, once the divorce is final and custody and child support are established, a new routine is set and followed. But let's consider the case of delinquent child support payments. For…

Cooking with Kids

I find cooking with children, especially your own, can be both fun and enjoyable – as well as extremely stressful. In one sense, you want to take the time, enjoy the powerful bonding opportunity, and all cook a wonderful meal. On the other hand, you just got home and you have…

Bang-Up Job

Combine art, math, and music to celebrate a special man this month! Visit VMFA to view drums in the African art collection, then be inspired to create an original gift at home. What you need: • Empty tin can, such as a coffee can (about 9 inches high and 11…

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