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March 2013


Art Flows Down

When Jerome Jones and his wife, Kemery, learned they were having a son, Jerome knew just what to do. Two months before his son was born, the father-to-be painted the nursery where young Jeromyah would spend his first precious years of life. In so doing, he relied on two of…

What’s Fresh in Florida?

As we walk into New Fantasyland at Walt Disney World Resort, that same rush of excitement washes over me. It's the feeling I experienced years ago, stationed in front of the television to watch Walt Disney create magical moments every Sunday night. This new area in Magic Kingdom would definitely…

Baby’s Lifeline

What if your baby were born with cerebral palsy or sickle cell anemia, what would it be worth to you to have stem cells that matched your child exactly? What if your child needed a bone marrow transplant and you could buy stem cells that were a definitive match, how…


Shamrocks, Basketball Brackets, and More!

Here at RFM, we're feeling very fortunate indeed. After all, we have the best readers on the planet! You know, if it weren't for you, there would be no RFM. You are the ones who support our advertisers, the businesses and events sprinkled throughout our pages each month. You are…

Truth Fairy

She had been wiggling that tooth for at least a week. First with her tongue. Then with her finger, despite our repeated reminders to keep her hands away from her mouth. As is usually the case, it was the first one in, and the first one on its way out.…

Looking For Work?

Many of us remember our first job. Whether it was working at the local movie theater or trekking through the woods as a camp counselor, we appreciated the chance to get out in the working world and earn our own money. Today's teenagers also seek employment during summer and winter…

The Sippy Sails On

So look what I found. Here, on the top shelf, behind the gravy boat, next to the porcelain teacups we never use. It's an old sippy cup, scuffed and scratched and faded, but still standing tall after all these years. How long has it been there? It's easy enough to…

Reach Out and Read Virginia

“I got all As and Bs!" Seven-year old Davon is bursting with the news as he rushes into East End Pediatrics in Henrico County, waving his latest report card.He turns to his 4-year-old brother and offers to help him choose a new book to take home at the end of…

Parenting Wisdom

Q: I have been questioning myself over how I handled a situation with my 12- year-old daughter a few weeks ago.She came home from school very upset over having been left out of a sleepover party given by one of her friends. She was really distraught and emotional and it…

Time for Braces?

As an orthodontist, the question I hear most from kids is, When am I getting my braces off? The one that runs a close second comes from parents: Why are some kids getting braces when they still have baby teeth? First, this - these opinions are expressly my own and…

Financing College

There's no magic formula to secure funds for your children's college education, so be proactive, start early, and explore all the opportunities. Typical funding options are loans, savings plans, and scholarships. Countless loans are available, including both federal and private programs, but Stafford loans are perhaps the most recognizable.Don't assume…

Bullying Basics

When I was in eighth grade, I missed two weeks of school to go to Europe with my parents, which was great. When I returned, however, the leader in my group of gal pals had decided she didn't want me to hang around with them anymore. Not so great. The…

Bored Dog?

If your dog stares at you incessantly, barks at you, or paws and nudges you, he is demanding attention. But more notably, your dog may be bored. The importance of mental stimulation is significant and cannot be understated. Interaction with your dog should be initiated by you. If your dog…

Shop Local, Eat Global

Mediterranean Bakery and Deli Craving for spanikopita, fresh tabouli salad, or baklava? In need of some fresh feta cheese or a jar of harissa? This market has delicious prepared food ready for any Mediterranean feast. Buy some fresh goat meat if you're daring enough. The staff is very friendly, and…

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