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March 2020


Channeling Grief Into Action

It only took a moment for Anne Moss Rogers’ life to change direction; only seconds for her to move from years of fear and dread to a life committed to service and education. That moment, when she learned her younger son, 20-year-old Charles, had died by suicide, was the most…

Find Your Special! Summer Camps Galore in RVA

Welcome to March! The month when daffodils and tulips begin popping out of the ground and frigid mornings become the exception rather than the rule. Along with the month’s promise of warmer weather comes slight panic for many parents: In a few short months, kids will be out of school…

Ultimate Family Cruise Guide

I keep my own neurosis close to heart (no exposure therapy for me, thanks), but cruising the Big Blue isn’t one of them. Sailing on a beautiful ship is such bliss for me that I envy the oldsters who spend their last decades sailing the world with their very own…


6 Mom Truths About Finding Summer Camps

“Get your kids’ feedback on camp so you’ll have insight for next year” … plus five more parenting strategies for choosing great summer camps. Dear parents who might be thinking about camps and activities for your children this summer – please, take a deep breath. I mean this in the kindest…

How to Make Life Grand for Your Grandkids!

Becoming a grandparent is one of the most magical experiences you can have. Yes, you get to leave the tougher daily discipline to your children. But being a grandparent comes with responsibilities, especially if you want to give the kids something more valuable than transient indulgences or more stuff. I…

An Arrow in the Quiver

I wanted archery.  Instead, I ended up at the soccer station, running around orange cones and listening for the whistle. Coach smoked cigarettes between penalty kicks. He also showed up late, wearing polyester shorts. Despite his shortcomings, the camp rumor was that he had been in the Olympics and won…

RFM Comes Marching In!

As much as we love our two double issues each year (and the little break they give the hard-working RFM team), we’re always ridiculously excited to bring you a new issue when the time comes.  You’ve snagged a packed March RFM at one of our many area pickup spots, or…

Recording History in a Man’s World

The first female news photographer in Richmond launched her career in the 1890s. Though criticized for working in a male-dominated profession – and criticized by many for working at all – Edyth Carter Beveridge ignored public opinion and did what she could to capture a good photo. She climbed trees and fences,…

4 Men’s Fertility Myths

Infertility, the failure of a couple to conceive after twelve months of unprotected intercourse, affects approximately 15 percent of couples. With many people unable to get pregnant, a variety of myths have taken root around the topic of making babies. Let’s take a look at several of the most common infertility…

Kids and Money in a Digital World

Mom and Dad help their newly employed son and a few friends move into an apartment one Saturday afternoon. The crew works hard, and when the day is done, everyone is exhausted and hungry. That’s when the young man turns to his father and says, “Pop, can you buy us…

Protecting Your Child’s Identity

Honey, where are you?” You hear the parent calling out at Target, or Walmart, or Kroger. Once. Then twice. Panic rushes into her voice. “Please answer me!” We’ve all been there, and some have experienced a family’s worst tragedy, rather than what typically happens – the child pops out from behind…

Overcoming Wardrobe Weariness

Parenthood is serious business! We all thought we were organized and in control before kids came along. Like many, I totally underestimated the task of managing my child’s clothing. The laundry is never-ending, stains are a daily occurrence, and sizes and seasons seem to change by the week. What should…

Make a Marbled Masterpiece

With spring holidays on the horizon, it’s the perfect time to create fun gifts or home décor. Use polymer clay to make a colorful marbled bowl. What you need: • Polymer clay (3 to 5 colors) • Small bowl • Rolling pin • Straight edge or knife • Plastic wrap…

Enhancing Your Child’s Body Image

Our 14-year-old son is built like me, thin and wiry, while my 12-year-old daughter is the picture of her father – stronger and heavier with very broad shoulders. Unfortunately, she’s getting unwanted attention about this from so-called friends and family members. Where do I start with this one? Start by…

6 Tips for Living with Pet Allergies

Pets bring joy and unconditional love to our lives, but for the 20 percent of the population that suffers from allergies to dogs and cats, our furry friends also bring sneezing, watery eyes, and itchy rashes.  People with pet allergies have hyper-sensitive immune systems that overreact to otherwise harmless proteins…

Safe Harbor

Many people imagine human trafficking as something out of a Liam Neeson movie. A predator snatches a woman in a parking lot. He ties her up. He gags her and throws her into a van. But that is rarely how trafficking plays out. Instead, it’s often a long, protracted campaign…

Crash Avoidance for Seniors

No matter our age, driving gives us a sense of independence, pride, and freedom. It matters in people’s lives, and while driving is the word, mobility is the goal. Studies show that as we age and mobility decreases, quality of life may diminish as well. Today, older Americans are more…

When It’s Kid Quarantine Time

Just last weekend, our family was running errands and shuffling children to activities, as is our usual Saturday routine. One of          my boys was particularly irritable that day and while I was herding him into the van for a birthday party, I wondered aloud, “What is…

Love in an Instant!

The rising popularity of the instant pot has many family cooks evaluating wants versus needs in the kitchen. I will be the first to say you don’t need an instant pot, but it has been my favorite tool for more than a year now, so you really might want one. …

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