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Olympus On My Mind: Musical Treat Delivers Big Laughs

Reviewed by Joan Tupponce


VaRep_Olympus_4Virginia Rep at Hanover Tavern is fetching big laughs with its current production of Olympus On My Mind.

Part of the Acts of Faith Festival, the musical comedy spoofs Greek mythology through the antics of the Greek gods Jupiter and Mercury. When Jupiter decides to come to earth for a night of love with the gorgeous Alcmene, his son Mercury protests. Alcmene is awaiting the return of her husband the General when Jupiter decides to appear as the General and lure her into the bedroom. Mercury disguises himself as Sosia, one of the General’s slaves. The fun starts when the real Sosia and the General show up and by chance meet their lookalikes.VaRep_Olympus_1

The gag continues when Sosia’s wife, Charis, mistakes Mercury for her husband. And if that isn’t enough to keep you on your toes, the show also adds in a chorus made up of Tom, Dick, Horace, and the ditzy Delores, whose husband, Murray the Furrier, has shelled out big bucks to produce the show. Needless to say Delores, who is not an actress, is out of her element – and usually out of tune as well. She and her three daffy chorus members disrupt the show every chance they get.

Director and choreographer K Strong deserves lots of credit for capturing the essence of farce and moving the action along at a fast pace. Her casting choices are top notch. The comedic talent on stage is staggering. Kudos go to Jason Marks for music direction.

Arden Moscati, who plays Mercury, and Sara Sommers, who takes on the role of Alcmene, provide solid vocal and stage performances as do Dan Cimo, Tyler Wilson, and Paul Major as the guys in the chorus.

Richard Travis definitely has the swagger it takes to play the mighty Jupiter who has no trouble lobbing a thunderbolt, but can’t deal with rejection, especially from a woman.

VaRep_Olympus_8As the love-starved Charis, Mary Anne Furey shows a true talent for comedy. Her performance is one of the highlights of the evening. Scott Wichmann is a hoot as Sosia. His ease on stage coupled with his penchant for comedy, especially slapstick, makes him a force to be reckoned with and even more appealing for kids in the audience, many of whom are already hooked on stories of the Greek and Roman gods from popular kid lit.

Maggie Roop takes ditzy to a new level in her role as Delores. Every time she saunters onstage she draws huge belly laughs. You couldn’t ask for a better Delores.

Sarah Grady’s costumes are a hit as well, from lovely, flowing gowns to a gunny sack-style ensemble that brings its own laughs during the night.

Olympus On My Mind is fun and silly and a good bet for families with kids twelve and up. It’s a lighthearted beacon in a dreary winter. The show runs through March 16 at Hanover Tavern. Purchase tickets online at   Virginia Repertory Theatre: Olympus on My Mind, 2014 or by calling (804) 282-2620.



An award-winning writer based in Richmond, Joan Tupponce is a parent, grandparent, and self-admitted Disney freak. She writes about anything and everything and enjoys meeting inspiring people and telling their stories. Joan’s work has appeared in RFM since the magazine’s first issue in October 2009. Look for original and exclusive online articles about Richmond-area people, places, and ideas at Just Joan: RVA Storyteller.

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