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Learn How Alimony Works


By Julie M. Cilio, Esquire


Families have lots of different ways of operating in 2015. In some families, both parents work outside the home; in other families, one parent works full time outside the home while the other parent works part time outside the home; in yet other families, one parent works outside the home and one parent works at home taking care of the children.  For some parents, when a separation or divorce occurs, scary thoughts start to arise:  How will I be able to live?  Do I have to find a job?  What if no one will hire me because my skills are outdated or I need more education?

Here are some preliminary steps to take to help you through the considerations of spousal support/alimony:

  1. Understand your household budget as it exists during the marriage.
  2. Understand the expenses necessary to run a household after a separation (whether you stay in the current residence or whether you move).
  3. Understand the current income sources: employment, investments, retirement income, etc.
  4. Evaluate whether you have the ability to enter the work force outside of the home:  what age are your children, what grades are they in, what activities are they involved with, will you be able to share responsibility with the other parent for caring for the children.
  5. Evaluate what you might need to do to enter the work force outside of the home:  do you need more education or training, do you need to renew certifications, do you need actual experience.
  6. Consider whether working with a professional would help including a financial professional, a vocational professional, a counselor, an attorney, etc.

Developing the answers to these questions can give you a good start and foundation on how to approach your financial support in the future.  Remember, it is a process and being informed will be an important part throughout.

This information is provided by Hall and Hall Family Law in Richmond.


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