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Bon Secours St. Francis Hosts Free Flu Shot Clinics in October

flu_shotBon Secours is offering two free flu shot clinics in October at Bon Secours St. Francis Watkins Centre.
On Saturday October 3 and 17 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Bon Secours St. Francis Watkins Centre will partner with local businesses to host a free flu shot clinic. Flu shots will be available for both adults and children*. Doctors and nurses will be on site to administer free flu shots and educate visitors about staying healthy during flu season.

• Free flu shots for adults and children, Bon Secours St. Francis Watkins Centre

• Walk-in mammography and raffle, Bon Secours Imaging**

• Backpack safety education, Bon Secours Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine

• Character appearances from movin’ mania’s Broc, Hydro & Vie

• Free snacks and refreshments, supplied by Midlothian Apothecary


Please Note:

*Due to manufacture shortages, the vaccine may not  be available for children under three years old.

**Walk-in mammography is only available with  proof of insurance.

*** For shorter Flu Clinic wait times, complete the required paperwork ahead of time by downloading it from

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